First of all, I'm quite new to ArcGIS. I'm using Ver. 10.1 Hopefully this isn't one of those annoying "newb" questions.
I'm placing a border and creating a template for a bunch of recurring exhibits. I need the border to be in the front, yet I don't want it to get in the way of creating and editing the exhibit by being the first thing to be recognized by a click. Is there a way, short of placing individuals lines as the border, to make this shape temporarily un-clickable?newbie arcgis basics newuser
Thanks for your help.
do you mean 'selectable' like preventing people to select them would be my guess
Check the layer properties... Setting layer properties—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
and the table of contents options
Using the table of contents—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
Yes, selectable. The vernacular escapes me at times.
Are you suggesting that I place the border/shape into it's own layer...and then simply make sure the layer is not selectable?
Sounds like a good idea! But I'm wondering if there's a manner in which to do this individually to a shape without having to create a new layer just for one shape.? If not, I'll give the above idea a try and see how it works out.
Thank you.
Yes.. I know what you want, but it is all or none when it comes to layers. You can't ascribe properties to individual shapes