I have experienced a bug when using the ArcGIS, and the page stops and forced me to quit ArcGIS automatically. After i re-open it, I found the file is corrupted, and after that I found most of the data gone wrong (the attributes in the attribute table are not match with the feature identified by clicking onto the line), the order is corrupted. Is there anything I can do to restore the version before the crash and is someone also experienced this situation, as i cant find very relevant experience by the other users. Thank you.
arcmap or arcgis pro?
sounds like you were using a shapefile.
There used to be a shapefile repair executable
See this link How To: Recover a corrupt shapefile (esri.com)
You will have to use your backup since there is no backing up of data automatically, if that doesn't work
Thank you for your suggestion, I was using Arcmap, and I have tried the check/ repair geometry, but the order are still wrong. I wish I have backup that file... as the wrong one already replaced the original one, after experiencing the bug when I was saving
😭Now I have to check one by one manually