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I have sidewalks centre line for a City. That is, two lines that creates the shape of a roadway. I want to create line (to represent cross-walks) in every intersections. For example, in the attachment, I have the black lines (shapefile), and I want to create the red lines in every intersections. Is there any way I can do that automatically or efficiently. Manually creating would take hours and hours as I have hundreds of intersections. Thanks.
Thanks Richard, Yes I do have Road centre lines. Waiting for remaining attachments and procedures.
Some of the road sections are missing sidewalk centre lines. I am not sure whether this would be an issue to create polygon.
Question. Do you have the actual Centerlines for the roads that include Road Names of the streets? If so, I have done a process as follows:
1. Features to Polygon tool. Screen Shot 1 shows the lines converted to polygons (Features to Polygons tool) and attributed and filtered to show just road interiors. Singe Centerlines within the road polygons are also shown.
2. Buffer tool. Screen Shot 2 shows the Centerlines buffered by 75 feet. Use Road Name as the Dissolve value. Use Rounded End caps. You may have to test different buffer widths and if you have road classifications you might be able to quickly assign varying widths depending on the Road class to a field and use that for the buffer width value for better results.
3. Intersect tool. Screen Shot 3 shows the result of using the Intersect tool with the Centerline buffer output form step 2 used as an input twice and the Road casing polygon from step 1 used as an input once.
4. Definition Query. Screen shot 4 shows the definition query that will filter out just intersections from the result of Step 3. Screen shot 5 shows the resulting intersection polygons in Red overlaying the Road polygon shown in green.
See next message for further steps, since I could only upload 5 screen shots.
Hi Richard,
This is what I got after creating polygon (see attached). Not sure how to filtered to show road interiors. I am fairly new in ArcGIS, Thanks for your help.
I am working on a similar project however I also need a way to automate the creation of the sidewalk centerlines. Any ideas other than buffering the road center line?
Also, I am working through the steps to create the crosswalks and already having trouble with step one. I attached a picture of my results. Any help is appreciated! [ATTACH=CONFIG]21557[/ATTACH]