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Can't register database with ArcGIS Server using PostGres database

01-23-2014 08:25 AM
Regular Contributor
I'm having problems registering a database with ArcGIS Server even though I'm able to connect to the database in ArcMap and make edits just fine.

I get the following message when I try to register the database through ArcMap and through ArcCatalog when publishing the service:


And when I try to register the database through the ArcGIS server web manager I get this error:


Also, when I try to publish a service, the only Capability I see is Feature Access and I'm only allowed to Query when I click on Feature Access:

I'm running ArcGIS 10.2 and PostGres database.

Any idea what could be wrong? The error messages are not helpful.
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1 Reply
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: kpeter

Your last issue:
Also, when I try to publish a service, the only Capability I see is Feature Access and I'm only allowed to Query when I click on Feature Access

...seems to indicate you are using an ArcGIS Server Basic license, which allows you to publish read-only feature services.  Is that the case?

I've not seen those other errors, but I'll ask the standard question: Did you copy the 64-bit PostgreSQL client libraries to your ArcGIS Server bin directory?

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