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CAD to polygon feature class with attribute of nearest point

08-19-2010 04:33 AM
New Contributor
I can't get the 9.3 sample script "CAD to Feature Class with attribute of Nearest Point" to work. I will upgrade to ArcGIS 10 if someone can share with me how I would go about doing this in 10. I have a series of CAD floor plans with closed room polylines that have a attributed room number block inside or close by. I want to attach the room number to the room polyline in the export to polygon feature class. I would like to set this up as a script in python or workbench I could run on numerous CAD files. Thank you.
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Theressa I am doing the same procedure very frequently using 9.3, but without using the "CAD to Feature Class with Attribute of NearestPoint" I use more basic tools that might work in 10 version too.

Import the cad polyline and the cad annotation layers into the ArcMap. Use "Feature to polygon" to convert polylines to polygons and "Feature to point" to convert annotations to points (I thing it needs to be a text and not a block but give it a try).

Then use spatial join:
Target features: use the new polygon layer
Join features: use the new point layer
As Match Option use: CLOSEST

I am using it inside model builder (from where you can export in python) and I do repetitive transformations for plots and plot numbers for different areas

If the text is totally inside the closed polylines I am just using the "Feature to polygon" procedure using as Input Feature the cad polyline layer and adding at the Label Features the annotation cad layer.

I do not if that was helpful

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