Hello everyone,
I am looking for a way to quickly edit a database while working on a shapefile. The operations I would like to do is add new field, add new line, and use a drop-down menu for quick data entry. I am thinking of a form like MS access allow to create, but linked to arcGIS.
Thanks for any ideas or help on my question.
Have a good day!
Are you asking how to perform these functions in ArcMap, or hoping for something better than going through the usual routes (e.g. Add Field, Create New Feature via editing, and using GDB domains)? Deviating from the usual routes will require coding, and even then will likely rely heavily on the usual methods through code.
edit: I'll add that it is possible to edit a personal geodatabase feature class through Access, although not recommended.
I would like to do it easier and faster than Add field/Create New Feature (as it is proposed in arcGIS). For instance, if I could use a MS Access form that can be linked to a shapefile/dbf, and use it simultaneously with arcGIS to update the dbf file, it would be perfect.
I have good knowledge with arcGIS, MS Access but can't find a way to link both...
not going to be faster even if you could...you can automate most of the functionality if you know how to code in either conventional or python toolboxes