I am digitising a map in ArcMap 10.0 SP 2 with a few hundred polygons. I use auto complete polygons to avoid drawing all the lines twice. I use it using both straight segment and trace (along another layer) to draw the lines.
Most polygons end up right, but some aren't created when I finish drawing. Also when trying again and making sure to go from existing polygons' vertices or crossing polygons' boundaries the polygon won't draw.
A workaround I found is drawing the polygon in parts. But still, one part may draw and the other may not. I then draw even smaller parts and smaller parts until it works. Eventually I fill the polygon with smaller parts (sometimes 2, sometimes 20) and merge them, but it is costing me a lot of time circumventing around unwanted and strange ArcMap behaviour.
I looked up various other posts and errors about auto-complete. The main one if found was about the polygon drawn not being complete visible, but I tried zooming out until I saw the polygon drawn and all the adjacent polygons in full and it still wouldn't draw. Also some polygons will draw regardless of zoomlevel.
Anyone encounter this before and found a (better) way to deal with it?