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Add input table fields to geocoding result

07-10-2014 10:09 AM
Deactivated User

Hello all,

I have what seems to be a fairly simple question, but for whatever reason I'm having trouble with it....

I am attempting to geocode a table that I've received from a third party application.  Aside from an address field, there are several other fields in this table I would like to use in my geocoding result.  After running the geocode, which does its job, I get a typical geocode table, with the addresses and match value information.  My question is, is there a way to include the other fields present in the input table to the geocoding result when the process is ran?  I'd like to do some mapping with these fields, but they are not brought over through the geocoding process.

Any guidance is appreciated

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4 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor


While not obvious, Esri picked this rather unfortunate name for their new Licensing and product support portal. This open group meetup on these new GeoNet forums is likewise unfortunately named.

The assistance you seek can be found posting a discussion or question in the All Places -> GIS -> Managing Data Place.

You can move this thread (the Actions -> Move button on the right side) to there it if you like. Or leave it here and someone may post up a response if they come across the posting on a tag based search.


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Deactivated User

Thank you Stuart.  The new format has clearly got me frazzled

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Honored Contributor

You should be able to do a join between the geocoding output and the original table, and you can use that for your mapping purposes.  As for doing so during the geocoding process, its been ages since I've geocoded, so I couldn't tell you(and since its no longer free, I'm not going to try and find out)

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Deactivated User

Thank you for the response Ian.  I had thought the spatial join may work.  The issue I have is there are repeat addresses being geocoded, as this is a database containing animal control cases, where repeat visits to the same address are common, thus there are overlapping points created.  Unfortunately, I don't see another field in the output table that I could use as a join...

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