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Oprava chyby Web Adaptoru 10.8.1 na IIS

12-30-2020 03:38 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
2 0 565

Těsně před Vánoci Esri vydala nový opravný balíček pro Web Adaptor 10.8.1 pro IIS, který opravuje chybu: BUG-000136092 - Requests through the ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) may fail with a HTTP 500 error code that leaves the system unresponsive, která způsobovala problém síťové komunikace, kdy požadavky mohly končit chybou s kódem 500 a tak se celý ArcGIS Enteprise mohl stát nedostupným.

Doporučujeme opravný balíček nainstalovat co nejdříve, pokud hostujete Web Adaptor na IIS a máte jej konfigurovaný s některou z dalších komponent - především pak s Portal for ArcGIS.

Opravný balíček je dostupný zde:

About the Author
I am a GIS enthusiast working for Czech Esri Distributor since January 2014. I started there on the Tech Support for ArcGIS Enterprise and Web Technologies, and Mobile Apps. Now on as the Technical Sales and Business Development Consultant I am focusing to make our customers happy, bring them the newest Esri technology, and show them what´s the future. Most of the time I am working with Pro, mobile Apps, AGOL, but I am happy I can work with City Engine, testing the newest in 3D and Game Engines, Imagery and DL and participate on various Beta Programs. GIS and Esri it´s not just a job I love, but also a hobby, an opportunity to work with great technology and see the future, and work with great people – as well here in Prague in Arcdata as with my colleagues in the US and all over the world - to see what others can´t :)