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Coronavirus map into dashboard

04-25-2020 01:51 PM
New Contributor

I'm quite the novice when it comes to this so forgive me, but right now, I'm making a map for my capstone project for school which has information on the virus. So far, I have a heat map, individual dots for the cases in certain areas and tweets regarding the virus. Now I want to package this into a dashboard, how do I do that?

P.S. I am open to suggests for things to implement!

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7 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Carlo,

> I'm making a map for my capstone project for school which has information on the virus ... Now I want to package this into a dashboard, how do I do that?

Please take a look at this blog,

ArcGIS Dashboards Training Videos for COVID-19 

Hope this helps,

New Contributor

That option isnt there for me unfortunately, that was the problem i was running into

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Carlo,

> That option isnt there for me unfortunately, that was the problem i was running into

I'm not clear on what your issue is, can you please elaborate? What do you mean when you say the option is not there for you? Are you using your school's ArcGIS Online organization account for your project - and you don't see ArcGIS Dashboards as an option? In which case, you will need to talk to your school's ArcGIS Online organization admin.

Hope this helps,

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New Contributor

I just contacted my school and they said they don't have an account... Is

there any way I can use a trial or something just to get this project done


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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Carlo,

> Is there any way I can use a trial or something just to get this project done please?

FYI, please checkout this link Become a Member | Learn ArcGIS 

Hope this helps,

New Contributor

Esri offers 'inexpensive' student pricing, $100 a year: ArcGIS for Student Use Pricing | Add License to ArcGIS. Per the list, the Esri training library is included, which will help you develop a dashboard, such as 'Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS: An Introduction.' There are sites out there with the data feeds to help build your dashboard. Also, look into developing a story map to help tell your story -- Good Luck!

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Esri Notable Contributor

Carlo, I agree with Derek - the best way is to get an account via Learn ArcGIS. 

--Joseph Kerski