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Best projected coordinate system (meters) for Southeastern US

12-06-2019 09:03 AM
New Contributor II

Any suggestions for the best projected coordinate system (in meters) for the Southeastern US, particularly the state of Florida (entire state), coastal Georgia, and coastal Alabama and Mississippi?

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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

There's nothing already defined. What will you be doing with the data? Any analyses? What kind? Display only? Etc.


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New Contributor II

Hi Melita,

We'll be creating a pairwise distance matrix of bird locations to look at geographic distance coupled with genetic distance for speciation purposes. I don't think extremely precise distances will be needed, so I've just put them in USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic_USGS_version for now. Was just curious to see if anything for the SE USA existed that might be a better fit for that region/yield more accurate measurements than Albers EAC. Thank you!

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Esri Contributor

You can also consider creating a custom version based on Projection Wizard tool. Just an idea.

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Esri Contributor

Hi Brittany Bankovich‌, 

If you are going for an aesthetic appearance, depending on the size of the region you could look at creating a custom Lambert Conformal Conic by adjusting the Central meridian and the Standard Parallels.  See Lambert conformal conic—Help | Documentation  for background on the projection. You can also see the comments section of  How to choose standard parallels and central meridian for area of interest? for further information.


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