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"You don't have any notifications."

01-25-2024 12:36 PM
Esteemed Contributor

I've gotten this message a handful of times over the past week:

You don't have any notifications. Try posting a new topic or question to see some activity here.


That's strange because I know I have lots of notifications (most of them already read).

Is that a known issue?

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8 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

There is something screwy with all the Notifications on ESRI Community right now. The Community managers are aware of the problem and are working on it.

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
Esri Community Manager

Thanks @Bud for providing a screenshot. When you log out and log back in, are you still seeing this under your notification settings? Have you since received any notifications either email or on the platform? Is this what you're seeing when you click from an email notification or when you click the bell icon or both?


We've opened a case with Khoros and may need to add this issue to the case as well. Tagging @SimiBasu here who's handling the case. 


Brianna Ettley
Community Manager, Engagement & Content
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Esteemed Contributor

The short answer is: It all seems to be working properly at the moment. I don’t see the "You don't have any notifications" message when I click on the bell anymore.

Esteemed Contributor

With that said, I've missed several replies to posts over the last few days; I didn't get an email notification about the replies.

Such as this reply from @SSWoodward in Sort rows in existing feature class. The only reason I noticed that reply is I saw it in the "Latest Contributions by Bud" section on my profile page:

I'll try to let you know if I get any email notifications about replies today. But I'm away from my desk, so I might not get to it right away.

Esteemed Contributor

@BriannaEttley I've gotten a handful of email notifications today.


But I didn't get an email notification for this reply:

Or this reply:

Or this one (although I did get a notification about the status change): 

Edit: No email notification for this one either: 

Nothing in my junk mail folder.

Esri Community Manager

Thank you for the additional details, @Bud! I've sent your findings over to @SimiBasu who will add this to the open case. It seems that others also experienced a blank notification feed on Thursday... I'm assuming it was a bug but will report back once we have a better understanding on the issue. 


Brianna Ettley
Community Manager, Engagement & Content
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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I had the opposite thing going on. The Notification icon showed 13 new messages, but there was nothing new in the feed, just messages I had already read.


Esteemed Contributor

I've noticed that I get popups in the bottom right corner telling me there's a new post, reply, or kudo. But when I hit the bell to view my notifications, there aren't any new notifications listed.

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