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Error: " redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies."

06-29-2022 03:32 AM
Honored Contributor

Does anybody else get this error from the Esri Community website in Chrome?

This page isn't working redirected you too many times.

Try clearing your cookies.



It happens about once per week for me.
Clearing cookies solves it. So it's not a huge deal, just inconvenient.

Does anyone else get that error? I don't get it for any other websites. Just the Esri Community.

Chrome Version 103.0.5060.53 (Official Build) (64-bit). Windows 10.


33 Replies
Esri Community Manager

Thank you for providing this intel on what you're experiencing, @Bud@SimiBasu, pinging you for continued visibility.

Jesse Cloutier
Community Manager, Engagement & Content
0 Kudos
Esri Community Manager

Thank you @JesseCloutier for additional details.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor

For what it's worth, I'm often signed in to the Esri Community on multiple devices at the same time. Often two of the following.

  • Work computer - Windows/Chrome
  • Home computer - Windows/Chrome
  • iPad/Safari

I don't know if that has anything to do with the issue or not.

Esri Community Manager

Thank you Bud for the additional info. I have added these detail for the support team for them to investigate. Thanks. 

0 Kudos
New Contributor III

I'm also having this issue, pretty much every 4th time I open/load Esri Community. I've just been clearing the cookies every time for the web page, but it's a bit tedious. Especially when I'm trouble shooting an issue and trying to open a specific topic from a google search. I have to clear the cookies go back to the search results and re click the link, since clearing the cookies reloads the page to the general search on Esri Community. 

Is there an active plan for solving this issue?

0 Kudos
Esri Community Manager

@Caitlin, we're so sorry for the inconvenience. Our platform vendor has acknowledged this as a known bug and we're still working with them to try and get it resolved as our team recognizes it's not ideal. If you haven't already, consider trying to log into Esri Community from an incognito browser tab and see if that improves the issue for you. We've seen that resolve things for some other users who've also reported experiencing this.

Jesse Cloutier
Community Manager, Engagement & Content
Occasional Contributor III

I'm using Chrome and have been getting this at least weekly.  Of the hundreds of sites and internet apps I use in a year, this is the only one with this problem.

Following the suggestion to delete the LiSESSIONID cookie, I installed and opened DB Browser for SQLite. Navigated to and opened the Chrome cookies database, the Cookies file (no extension) in C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Network

I filtered for and deleted all the esri cookies, and that worked.

I found deleting just the LiSESSIONID cookie did not work, and neither did deleting just the cookies.

Occasional Contributor III

I keep getting this error more and more frequently, now it is pretty much daily.

Any update on this @JesseCloutier ?

0 Kudos
Esri Community Manager

There is no resolution yet, @mikAMD, though we recognize it's leading to a frustrating experience for some users like yourself and we continue to actively investigate with our platform vendor. This is currently listed in our our Known Issues document, which includes several workaround suggestions for the short term until the root cause can be corrected. Understanding that you're running into this challenge almost daily, we recommend logging into Esri Community via a private browser if you aren't already, which other users have let us know has alleviated the problem for them.

Jesse Cloutier
Community Manager, Engagement & Content
New Contributor III

For what it's worth, I've just begun experiencing this bug this week. To the best of my knowledge nothing has changed on my end, yet the page has just stopped loading for me. Like others have said, clearing the cookies does work in chrome, but it is less thank optimal considering it deletes all website data. I also would like to avoid switching browsers every time I need to use the community forums. Hope it gets a fix soon!