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Calculation rule and Definition query

03-28-2023 08:39 AM
Emerging Contributor


I have a problem with Arcgis Pro. A calculation rule has been set up on the large circles so that the links and the small black circles follow its movement.
All this happens in a branch service.
When I don't have a definition query, this rule works very well. However, when there is a definition query, depending on the zoom, we can see that the links have moved or not.

Can somebody help me?

Capture.PNG Before I move

Capture1.PNG After I move

Capture2.PNG When I zoom out

Capture1.PNG When I zoom in


2 Replies
MVP Alum

So the rule actually moves the black polygons, but you only see that after you zoom out, and if you zoom back in it shows the old state. Is that correct?

I think ArcGIS Pro uses some cashing to allow for faster display of areas that you have looked at before. It basically calculates an image of that extent, saves it on your hard drive, and shows it to you every time you want to display that extent. Sometimes, it doesn't realize that the data in that extent has changed, and displays the old state. You probably have to refresh the map. Sometimes, repeatedly zooming in and out also does the trick.



Have a great day!
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Emerging Contributor

I refreshed and I removed the service to add it to map a second time but it stay the same.

I have to open a new arcgis pro and add the service to the map to see changements.

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