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Our Thanks to Esri Community MVPs

01-05-2023 11:24 AM
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Esri Community Manager
99 101 14.7K

To our MVP members,

One of the first things we want to do in this new year is recognize you and the substantial difference you make here in Esri Community. You inspire more appreciation than can be fully expressed.

Some people find their way to this platform during pursuit of a promising career in GIS; seeking the guidance of others while learning the ropes. Others follow the path of altruism to GIS and Esri Community because they want to spend their lives doing work that makes a better world. There are even the folks who couldn’t have ended up anywhere else because their passion for GIS wakes them up in the morning—it’s inseparable from their identity.

They’re just a few flavors of people who rely on this remarkable space that you help build and grow.

Your knowledge, time, and inspiration … they permeate all corners of this platform. Every day, people who you’ll never meet discover a solution you’ve authored or an idea you’ve put out there, and it opens a door they simply couldn’t get through on their own.

For all those countless sighs of relief and whispers of thanks that belong to you but were never heard, we want to again say thank you for everything you do.

With gratitude,

The Esri Community Team


The Esri Community MVPs—

@Anonymous User

Esri Contributor

Thank you to all the MVP's for your help in the Esri Community. You rock!

Esri Contributor

Thank you all for your generosity and wiliness to help other users ❤️!!!!

I hope I have the opportunity thank you in person soon 😊.

Esri Contributor

Thank you so much to the MVPs who spend so much time and effort sharing their knowledge through the API for Python questions!

Esri Contributor

I wanted to thank the MVPs on behalf of the ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 team. Thanks for your dedication and time to help the user community. I really appreciate it!!!

Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks MVPs. I learn stuff from you all the time!

Esri Contributor

Thanks to the MVP's for sharing your time and Energy

Esri Contributor

Thanks to this useuful community. It contributes to expand the knowledge in the GIS area. it effects are paying off. Each time we google for an aswer esri coomunity is a the top list. Excelent!!

Esri Alum

I wanted to express my gratitude to the MVPs tagged in this community blog post. You are the epitome of what makes this community so impactful and successful. Thank you for your dedication and passion in helping those in our wide net of a GIS community!

Esri Regular Contributor

Can't thank you all enough! You folks rock! I am pretty sure that countless users found better and quicker way to resolve their GIS problems because of you.


Esri Contributor

Thank you, MVPs! You not only provide the community with much needed (and often very speedy) assistance, your posts are of valuable help to those of us in Esri technical support, as well. 

Esri Contributor

This is amazing! Keep up the great conversation and feedback. It takes a village 🤗

Esri Contributor

Thank you to the MVP's for your continued contribution to the community!🎉

Esri Contributor

Many, many thanks to all of you for your role in making the community work!

Esri Contributor

Thank you to all the MVPs for taking your time to share your knowledge. It keeps the community strong and engaged.

Esri Contributor

Awesome job! Thank you very much for contributing!

Esri Contributor

Hi guys,

This is amazing! Thanks to all the MVP's for your help and contribution in the Esri Community.

Esri Contributor

Many thanks to all of our MVPs for all of your contributions!

Esri Contributor

thanks to you all who choose to invest the time and effort to share the knowledge and generously offer a hand when needed.

Esri Contributor

To all MVPs,
Thank you ever so much for the countless hours you've spent helping, not just our customers and members of this wonderful community, but also helping us to see things from another angle.  More often than not you have helped me see other very clever ways of doing things.  All your efforts are what make this community a living organism which strives to improve the understanding and ways of best applying and improving the capabilities of the GIS software we use day in and day out to make sense of this very complex World.
Keep up the great work!

Esri Contributor

The MVPs keep the Esri Community alive.  I'm always pointing ArcGIS users to this community. 

Thanks for all that you contribute to building a strong community.

Esri Contributor

I really appreciate what you do, guys! Many thanks!

Esri Contributor

Thank you, MVPs! Your dedication and knowledge shared, is the reason why I will always connect with Esri Community for expertise on products and workflows!  You are valuable!🗺

Esri Contributor

A big thank you from the Esri Canada Support team! Your dedication does not go unnoticed!

Esri Contributor

I appreciate the work MVPs are doing here in the community, especially in the attribute rules section which is getting lots of traction

thank you ! 

Regular Contributor

Je remercie tous ceux qui m'ont aidé à avancer et d'apprendre plus et d'approfondir mes connaissances et pour la même occasion je vous propose d'organiser une formation qui nous permet de mieux manipuler la superposition de plusieurs cartes pour aboutir à une seule cartes par exemple on superposé carte texture du sol ,cartes des sols, carte de la salinité des sols pour avoir la carte d'aptitude des sol. Et merci et bonne continuation.:heart_suit::heart_suit::heart_suit:

Esri Regular Contributor

Thank you to our dear MVP's for remaining engaged in our esri community! Your feedback and contributions are  most invaluable not only to your fellow developers using the Native Maps SDK (Runtime); but especially to us, in the development team, who are continuously learning, growing, and building the product with you. Thank you!

Esri Contributor

Thank you for your valuable contribution
thank you MVPs


Esri Contributor

Thanks the MVPs, you've helped us and our clients to achieve such great results! I can only encourage you to continue providing your support since it is vital to our community!

Regular Contributor

Bonjour toute l'équipe

Je remercie chaque membre pour l'effort qui fournit pour aboutir à nos objectifs et pour la même occasion es que BRIAN COlSON peut m'informer si son équipe fait régulièrement le suivi de la qualité des eaux d'irrigation. Nivreu de la nappe phréatique et les caractéristiques du sol.

Je suis intéressée car mon travail consiste à faire le suivi des zones irriguées en Tunisie et c'est travail passionnant et la cartographie est un outil nécessaire et que j'adore car c'est 2 en 1 : art et technique.

Esri Community Manager

(Written using translation software / écrit à l’aide d’un logiciel de traduction)

Bonjour @imanebenromdhane!

Après avoir lu votre message et compris que vous souhaitez utiliser ArcGIS pour surveiller les ressources en eau et en sol, nous vous recommandons d’adresser vos questions aux domaines de la communauté Esri spécifiques à ces sujets, tels que : Water Resources, Water Utilities, et Natural Resources.

Si vous avez des questions spécifiques sur les produits ArcGIS, vous pouvez également les publier dans le forum de questions correspondant au produit dans la communauté Esri. N’hésitez pas à rechercher tous nos emplacements de produits, ici: Browse Products

Bien que cela ne soit pas obligatoire, nous vous recommandons également de partager vos questions en anglais si possible pour augmenter la probabilité qu’elles soient lues et répondues puisque c’est la langue principale actuellement utilisée sur notre plateforme.

Tout le meilleur!

Esri Notable Contributor

I will add my belated but heartfelt reply from myself and the education team at Esri (which supports schools-libraries-museums-and-universities) with appreciation for the tireless efforts of you MVPs!  Your efforts are not unnoticed! You are making a positive impact in the lives of many, saving them hours or even days of lost productivity while being 'stuck' or 'challenged' - thanks for helping them get 'unstuck' and moving forward once again!

--Joseph Kerski

Occasional Contributor

Thank you Joseph for your reply and comment, very positive for me!

So, I'm facing dificultes to publish my scripts at ESRI community; I appreciate if you have any suggestion for that?

Kind regards,


Esri Notable Contributor

Thank you for the kind words.

Publishing scripts - there is an active Esri GIS community at GitHub, does this help? 


--Joseph K 

Esri Contributor

I would like to join the chorus of thanks for all of the MVPs. Your contributions are invaluable to the user community.

Esri Contributor

A big thank you to all the MVPs from Esri Canada!. Your valuable time, willingness to help the community and contributions are much appreciated.

Esri Contributor

Many thanks to our MVPs for all your valuable contributions and making the Esri Community what it is today!

Esri Contributor

The GIS Community thrives on positive contributors like the MVP's listed. Thank you!

Esri Contributor

Hi @JesseCloutier  thank you and Thanks to all the MVP's.

Esri Contributor

A big thank you to all the MVPs!

I've worked with a number of you in the Technical Support department and I know the knowledge you share here contributes to not just your colleagues, but to the greater GIS community as a whole by posting here on the Esri Community.

Thank you for all the hard work you do, and I look forward to continuing to work with you!

You're rockstars!

Regular Contributor

I just wanted to echo your sentiments and express my heartfelt appreciation
to all our MVPs! Your dedication and expertise in the Technical Support
department have truly made a significant impact.

Your willingness to share your knowledge here on the Esri Community not
only benefits your colleagues but also enriches the entire GIS community.
Your contributions are invaluable, and I want to personally thank you for
your hard work and commitment.

Working alongside all of you has been an absolute pleasure, and I genuinely
look forward to our continued collaboration. You're not just valuable team
members; you're absolute rockstars!
Best redards
Esri Contributor

As an Instructor with Esri Canada, I can certainly state that the contributions of the MVPs to the Esri Community are invaluable.

Through the course of my work (no pun intended), I direct my course attendees here as often as possible for added resources to bolster their work and knowledge, and the opportunity for them to learn from these super-fine folk is remarkably important.

It is easy to assume that Esri staff will reply in a certain manner, but for other independent voices to contribute their knowledge and opinions only strengthens what is being stated here in the Community and allows all of us to benefit from the MVPs wealth of knowledge and experience.

So, a very heartfelt "High-Ten" to all of you MVPs.
You rock!

Esri Contributor

Amazing work guys! ✌️

Regular Contributor

Bonjour à tous les membres de Esri Community

C'est formidable que j’ai pu reconnecter avec succès avec vous et je suis reconnaissante pour la mise à jour de l’abonnement après une période d’interruption au cours de laquelle j’ai essayé à plusieurs reprise de vous rejoindre. Merci infiniment et je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès et bonne continuation.

Esri Contributor

Hi, thanks to you all for sharing. We value and appreciate your support.

Regular Contributor
Hello, thank you for your response and I hope you are making progress with
your work.
Esri Contributor

Thanks to the real MVPs!

Regular Contributor
C'est vraiment gentil de ta part de reconnaître cela. Une équipe est
solide, c'est grâce à chacun de ses membres.
Mes meilleures salutations
Regular Contributor
Je vous remercie de m'avoir aidé à plusieurs reprises à accéder à mon
compte mais cette fois je reconnais que j'ai fait une mauvaise
manipulation. Alors je souhaite et j'ai besoin de votre aide pour consulter
mon compte et je vous remercie encore une fois d'avance pour votre
assistance et je suis désolée pour le dérangement.
Bonne continuation à toute l'équipe d'ESRI
Esri Contributor

From Esri Canada I want to thank all the ESRI Community MVPs. Your contribution to this community is helping a lot of users including ESRI employees across the globe. 

Esri Contributor

Thanks to all the MVP's for your help in the Esri Community. 🗺🤗

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.