Calcite 1.0.3 throws ResizeObserver error with <calcite-tab-nav slot="title-group">

02-06-2023 07:31 AM
New Contributor III


I have narrowed this issue down to the DOM. In HTML:


    <calcite-card id="tool-container">
            <calcite-tab-nav slot="title-group">
                <calcite-tab-title selected>Navigation</calcite-tab-title>
            <calcite-tab selected>
                <div id="navigation-container"></div>
                <div id="appearance-container"></div>


Specifically, the declaration 


<calcite-tab-nav slot="title-group">


Inclusion of that declaration with JSAPI 4.25 and Calcite 1.0.3 throws the error: caught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'style') at ResizeObserver.<anonymous> (p-3e421dc8.entry.js:6:3580)(amongst other similar issues, this being the first) 

Without the calcite-tab-nav, no error is sent to the console. However, in this case we cannot format the calcite-tabs how we like it.

We are using dojoConfig to load the API. Doing this without dojoConfig does not appear to throw the error. We need dojoConfig due to legacy dojo code in our application. (Stay tune about this part. Testing now.)

Does this look familiar? Let us know! TIA

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hello @Dirk_Vandervoort, thanks for reaching out! We received a similar question earlier last month, if you wanted to read some additional context or history which resulted in a new issue opened on GitHub to mitigate


The bug fix was resolved, and will be included in our upcoming patch expected to land soon, targeted for later today (Monday, 2/6).


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