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You have been on Geonet for while a while now, right? Have you taken full advantage of this community and joined different groups and spaces? See list of the below group and spaces that you may find interesting.

Precision Mapps BelizeCaroline CraigAndria Rosado Arthur MartinezAllen TzulVaneiri Patt

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You've worked hard to make a great Esri Story Map app. But now you want to make it easy for people to find your work online.

Esri has shared general tips for making a great story map app, continue reading to learn more!

(Click below image to view our Wildlife Sanctuaries in Belize storymap.)

General Tips for Making a Great Story Map App

Use a Short, Creative Title and Subtitle
Lure your audience into your story. Don't just label your story; be creative with your language. But don't make your titles—particularly subtitles—too long. Less is more, so make your words count.

Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms unless you spell them out first; otherwise, readers unfamiliar with them will be left in the dark and will be less likely to explore your story.

Make the Region Obvious
Story Map apps cover global topics. But only mention "Toledo," for example, and someone won't know whether your story is about Toledo, Belize or Toledo, USA. Consider adding region to your title or subtitle in addition to your description or tags. 

Review Your Work
Read through your Story Map app carefully to eliminate typos or broken links. Ask a colleague to review it. If your users find a typo or error, it makes your map seem less authoritative and they'll be less likely to explore further.

Look over your Story Map app on a different computer or from a different network than the one you used to author it. Make sure you try the story out when completely logged out of ArcGIS Online. These techniques will help you catch things like graphics that are too large and affect performance and map content that might not be shared properly.

Configure Your Pop-up Windows
Most of the templates available in ArcGIS Online to create Story Map apps display the standard ArcGIS Online pop-up windows when users click features. Configure your pop-up windows so that they look attractive, excluding the extraneous, such as unnecessary fields.

Choose an Interesting Topic
The Story Map team takes topics into account when deciding which maps to feature in the gallery and loves the creativity that authors demonstrate.

However, the team is especially interested in finding and publicizing examples of Story Map apps that communicate the results of professional GIS work to stakeholders and citizens. These Story Map apps might present the results of spatial analysis, planning, or geodesign work. Story Map apps are a great way to expose your work and tradecraft to broader audiences.

Little Things Add Up
Story Map apps are judged by a lot of little things that, together, add up to whether your Story Map app makes it into the gallery. An interesting topic, good design, properly sized graphics, and a lot more are considered when a Story Map app is reviewed. You know a good Story Map app when you see one—make yours one of them.

Author Rupert Essinge - Esri Chief Technology Advocate and Product Strategist

If you need help using or customizing a Story Map, or if you would like to use your expertise to help your fellow storytellers and developers, please join the Story Maps community on GeoNet or contact us at or call us at 223-6807.

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Occasional Contributor

Total Business Solutions Ltd. presents the "Getting started with Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS" webinar.

Say good-bye to paper-based data inspection and maintenance workflows. Using Esri's Collector for ArcGIS app, anyone in your organization can easily capture and update data in the field whether connected or disconnected. Collector for ArcGIS is included with ArcGIS Online and is available on iOS, Android and Windows 10. 

Click HERE to view this online seminar Getting started with Collector for ArcGIS, you will learn how to easily take maps offline, sync changes when connected, improve your data quality with form templates, capture photos and track your work. 

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Occasional Contributor

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS is an intuitive what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) application that allows you to build 2D and 3D web apps without writing a single line of code. It includes powerful tools to configure fully featured HTML apps. As you add your map and tools, you can see them in the app, and use them right away.


Key features

You can do the following with Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS:

  • Create HTML/JavaScript apps that run on any device.
  • Build the apps you need using ready-to-use widgets.
  • Customize the look of your apps with configurable themes.
  • Host your apps online or run them on your own server.
  • Create custom app templates.Make your first app

1. Create new app

Access Web AppBuilder from Map Viewer, Scene Viewer, Gallery, or from the My Content tab of the content page.

  • To create a 2D app, open Map Viewer, click Share and click CREATE A WEB APP. Click Web AppBuilder. To create a 3D app, open Scene Viewer, click Share and click CREATE A WEB APP. Click Web AppBuilder.
  • You can also start from the Esri Featured Content > Apps section of the Gallery and choose App Builders.
  • From the My Content tab of the content page, click Create > App, choose Using the Web AppBuilder. By default the 2D option is checked. If you want to build a 3D app, check the 3Doption.
  • Yu can also create a 2D or 3D ap from Web AppBuilder. If the Web AppBuilder is already opened, click New App, choose New 2D or New 3D App. Once you click New App, the titles of five recent apps will show up in Recent Apps section. You can click any of them to start editing.

2. Pick style

Configure the look-and-feel of the app by picking a theme. A theme includes a collection of panels, styles, layouts, and pre-configured widgets.

3. Select map or scene

Select a map or a scene you've created or choose one from your own organization. If you open the Web AppBuilder from Map Viewer or Scene Viewer, you will already have a map or scene selected but you can change it.

4. Add widgets

Widgets give your app functionality, such as print and overview map. Each theme has its own preconfigured set of widgets and you can add additional ones.

5. Configure attributes

Attributes allow you to customize your app banner with a logo, title, hyperlinks and so on.

6. Preview and launch

Preview the responsive app with popular device screen sizes (2D apps only). When ready, save and launch.

*To use Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, you must be a level 2 member in your ArcGIS organization.

For more information, feel free to contact us at or call us at 223-6807.

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Occasional Contributor

Everyone is interested in the future and what will come next. What will the future bring to you personally, your organizations, and the world?

One thing is for certain: GIS continues to evolve and increasingly plays a larger role in the digital transformation of society.

View this storyboard below to see how Esri is showing us how GIS is Inspiring What's Next!

0 0 148
Occasional Contributor

The Story Maps Developers’ Corner is a great place for developers of all experience levels to learn how to customize Esri’s open-source Story Map apps. The Story Maps team has shared many tips and tricks on the Dev Corner since it was announced back in Nov 2015, and have also had contributions from several guest authors.

Here’s what we’ve been blogging about on the Dev Corner since our last update on the ArcGIS blog:

Additionally, these guest posts have been published:

by Owen Evans

If you need help using or customizing a Story Map, or if you would like to use your expertise to help your fellow storytellers and developers, please join the Story Maps community on GeoNet or contact us at or call us at 223-6807.

Here is a Cascade Storymap our local TBSL team has created to tell our story about the BEUC 2018.

0 0 115
Occasional Contributor

Make Decisions at a Glance

Operations Dashboard is a configurable web app that is included with the ArcGIS platform. Dashboard offers a comprehensive and engaging view of your data to provide key insight for at-a-glance decision making. Esri released the new Operations Dashboard in December 2017 and on April 2018 made another update. In June 2018, another update has been made, with some exciting new capabilities.

The June 2018 update includes the following new features:

  • Two new actions available when configuring an interactive dashboard: Show Pop-up and Follow Feature.

Here is a quick glance of how each elements and layers can be sources or targets of actions.

  • A new dashboard settings button on the navigation bar allows authors to:
    • Change colors for the background, borders, elements, tabs and selections
    • Change the unit prefixes used by the various dashboard elements
    • Control whether dashboard elements can be resized by end users at runtime
  • Many new icons are available for indicator and header elements
  • The label and legend text size for pie charts are now configurable
  • Serial charts now support logarithmic scaling on the value axis
  • More control over whether titles and descriptions are displayed when elements show no data
  • Dashboards can now be viewed on smartphones.

Since the new release of Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS, our team have created some stellar dashboard apps! Here are some examples:

Belize’s Population

Belize’s Population and Employment Status  2015-2017


Belize City Hurricane Shelters

 Click here to learn how to make decisions at a glance with Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS!

0 0 98
Occasional Contributor

What are DevLabs?

If you are new to the ArcGIS DevLabs, they are short tutorials that step you through the process of building geospatial apps with the ArcGIS platform. They follow a Data – Design – Develop workflow and illustrate how to import data, style maps and layers, and then add maps and layers to applications. The labs are very short (5-15 minutes each) and you can complete them in any order you want and in the language of your choice: JavaScript, Android, iOSor with any of the Runtime APIs.

The big news for this release is the addition of the new ArcGIS API for Python and ArcGIS REST API labs.

Click here to view the DevLabs portal and start building your geospatial apps!

0 0 113
Occasional Contributor

Survey123 for ArcGIS is a simple and intuitive form-centric data gathering solution that makes creating, sharing, and analyzing surveys possible in just three easy steps: Ask Questions. Quickly design powerful surveys and publish them into ArcGIS.

View some of the Survey123 update (2.8) highlights in the Esri's blog below, these includes several bug fixes and very interesting new features! 

1 0 111
Esri Contributor

On August 10, 2017 +Metro imagery for Belize City and Belmopan was released to World Imagery in The imagery for Belize City was captured in May 2017. The imagery for Belmopan was captured in the early part of 2017.

In the image above, the Belize Civic Center Sports Complex as well as the Swift Hall, St. Martin De Porres Church, can be seen. In the image below, we see a beautiful imagery of Belmopan showing the Isodoro Beaton Stadium.

These updates to Belize City and Belmopan in ArcGIS can be used in unmeasurable ways. Green Infrastructure, city planning, local government, census and emergency response are just some ways how updated imagery can be most useful.

Updates were made to all of Central and South America, parts of North America and Africa to name a few. See story map here to get all the updates.

Follow us on our Facebook page to get daily news, updates and blogs on ArcGIS.

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