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General Tips for Making a Great Story Map App

08-13-2018 10:14 AM
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You've worked hard to make a great Esri Story Map app. But now you want to make it easy for people to find your work online.

Esri has shared general tips for making a great story map app, continue reading to learn more!

(Click below image to view our Wildlife Sanctuaries in Belize storymap.)

General Tips for Making a Great Story Map App

Use a Short, Creative Title and Subtitle
Lure your audience into your story. Don't just label your story; be creative with your language. But don't make your titles—particularly subtitles—too long. Less is more, so make your words count.

Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms unless you spell them out first; otherwise, readers unfamiliar with them will be left in the dark and will be less likely to explore your story.

Make the Region Obvious
Story Map apps cover global topics. But only mention "Toledo," for example, and someone won't know whether your story is about Toledo, Belize or Toledo, USA. Consider adding region to your title or subtitle in addition to your description or tags. 

Review Your Work
Read through your Story Map app carefully to eliminate typos or broken links. Ask a colleague to review it. If your users find a typo or error, it makes your map seem less authoritative and they'll be less likely to explore further.

Look over your Story Map app on a different computer or from a different network than the one you used to author it. Make sure you try the story out when completely logged out of ArcGIS Online. These techniques will help you catch things like graphics that are too large and affect performance and map content that might not be shared properly.

Configure Your Pop-up Windows
Most of the templates available in ArcGIS Online to create Story Map apps display the standard ArcGIS Online pop-up windows when users click features. Configure your pop-up windows so that they look attractive, excluding the extraneous, such as unnecessary fields.

Choose an Interesting Topic
The Story Map team takes topics into account when deciding which maps to feature in the gallery and loves the creativity that authors demonstrate.

However, the team is especially interested in finding and publicizing examples of Story Map apps that communicate the results of professional GIS work to stakeholders and citizens. These Story Map apps might present the results of spatial analysis, planning, or geodesign work. Story Map apps are a great way to expose your work and tradecraft to broader audiences.

Little Things Add Up
Story Map apps are judged by a lot of little things that, together, add up to whether your Story Map app makes it into the gallery. An interesting topic, good design, properly sized graphics, and a lot more are considered when a Story Map app is reviewed. You know a good Story Map app when you see one—make yours one of them.

Author Rupert Essinge - Esri Chief Technology Advocate and Product Strategist

If you need help using or customizing a Story Map, or if you would like to use your expertise to help your fellow storytellers and developers, please join the Story Maps community on GeoNet or contact us at or call us at 223-6807.