I am using this attribute rule (split intersecting line):
But when i insert a point i get this error: "GlobalID: The field is not editable"
Any ideas?
Towards the end of the script, they set the GlobalID of new features. GlobalID is not editable by the user, so that doesn't work. Try commenting out the lines that say " 'globalID': GUID() ".
if (polyline_1_length > polyline_2_length) {
update_features[Count(update_features)] = {
'globalID': line_feature.globalID,
'geometry': polyline_1
new_features[Count(new_features)] =
// 'globalID': GUID(),
'geometry': polyline_2,
'attributes': pop_keys(line_att, keys)
} else {
update_features[Count(update_features)] = {
'globalID': line_feature.globalID,
'geometry': polyline_2
new_features[Count(new_features)] =
// 'globalID': GUID(),
'geometry': polyline_1,
'attributes': pop_keys(line_att, keys)
Thank you Johannes!
I tried that but the same error appears.
The matter is that if I use this geodatabase (https://github.com/MikeMillerGIS/arcade-expressions/blob/master/attribute_rule_calculation/SplitInte...) it works, but if I use my own geodatabse it doesn't work