Hello GIS friends,
Is there a way to reference feature classes and data fields from multiple enterprise geodatabase or sql database within an Attribute Rule.
I would like to establish an attribute rule capable of retrieving field information from another database to populate feature class in a separate geodatabase. Is this possible?
I will appreciate your help.
Thank you,
@AbiDhakal it is not possible to access data from another database. All data must reside in the same data source as the feature you are applying the rule too.
The best way to handle this is to create a view in the same database as your feature, register that view with the database and then you can access that data via attribute rule.
Hope This helps.
@Jake_S- That sounds like a plan, but how can I create a view in the same database?
Thank you,
There is a geoprocessing tool Create Database View (Data Management) it requires some SQLl statement knowledge. If you have a DBA they can also assist.
@Jake_SI think you are suggesting to join the features based on a common field to create a view. I'm thinking we could also do this from SQL Server Management Studio...
Thank you for your input.
@AbiDhakal You can absolutely create views there. There are some requirements needed to register a view with a geodatabase.
You can find all the information here, Register a table or view with the geodatabase.