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Attribute Rule That Brings Attachments From One Table to Another

04-21-2022 01:24 PM
Occasional Contributor


I am doing something a bit confusing to explain. I am creating my own Historical Table for when an inspection is done. I am doing this with the Code below. This is working exactly as planned when someone fills out the inspection in Table1 it populates my historical table (Table2). What the problem I am running into is when they fill out the inspection they are taking 12 - 16 photos each time they fill out an inspection. There is an _ATTACH table associated with BOTH tables. I want to be able to populate the _ATTACH table for Table 2 after the new record is pulled from Table1, but the GloablID (In Table2 and Table2_ATTACH) field is regenerated and then I am getting stuck on what to do next. 

What I need - An attribute Rule that will, when a new Photo is taken in Table1, Will move it to Table2 and Change the REL_GloablID field to the new GloablID that was Created in Table2. (I have a Link between Table1 and Table2 in a new GUID field called DuneGloablID in Table2) I feel like there should be a way use this field to do what I am looking for.

return {
//we want to just return the value of field `Field` no change require
"result": $feature.InspectionDate,
//this keyword indicates an edit that need to happen, its an array since we can make many edits
"edit": [
//the other class we want to edit
"className" : "DATABASE.DBO.TABLE2",
//the type of edit, in this case we want to add so we say `adds`, its an array since we can make many inserts
"adds" : [

//the attribute of the feature we want to add
"DuneGlobalID": $feature.globalid,
"InspectionDate": $feature.InspectionDate,
"Profile_Number": $feature.Profile_Number,
"Jurisdiction": $feature.Jurisdiction,
"Contract": $feature.Contract,
"Inspection_Type": $feature.Inspection_Type,
"InspectionDateOther": $feature.InspectionDateOther,
"Dune_Berm_Condition": $feature.Dune_Berm_Condition,
"Inspected_By1": $feature.Inspected_By1,
"Inspected_By2": $feature.Inspected_By2,
"Unusual_Settlement": $feature.Unusual_Settlement,
"Unusual_Settlement_Comment": $feature.Unusual_Settlement_Comment,
"Sloughing": $feature.Sloughing,
"Sloughing_Comment": $feature.Sloughing_Comment,
"Erosion_Cross_Section": $feature.Erosion_Cross_Section,
"Erosion_Cross_Section_Comment": $feature.Erosion_Cross_Section_Comment,
"Scarping": $feature.Scarping,
"Scarping_Comment": $feature.Scarping_Comment,
"Unauthorized_Excav_Vand": $feature.Unauthorized_Excav_Vand,
"Unauthorized_Excav_Vand_Comme": $feature.Unauthorized_Excav_Vand_Comme,
"Overtopping_During_High_Wat": $feature.Overtopping_During_High_Wat,
"Overtopping_During_High_Wat_C": $feature.Overtopping_During_High_Wat_C,
"Accumulation_of_D": $feature.Accumulation_of_D,
"Accumulation_of_D_Comment": $feature.Accumulation_of_D_Comment,
"Excessive_Growth_G_or_W": $feature.Excessive_Growth_G_or_W,
"Excessive_Growth_G_or_W_Comme": $feature.Excessive_Growth_G_or_W_Comme,
"Localized_Wind_Erosion": $feature.Localized_Wind_Erosion,
"Localized_Wind_Erosion_Commen": $feature.Localized_Wind_Erosion_Commen,
"Encroachment_on_Dune": $feature.Encroachment_on_Dune,
"Encroachment_on_Dune_Comment": $feature.Encroachment_on_Dune_Comment,
"Sand_Fence_Condition": $feature.Sand_Fence_Condition,
"Sand_Fence_Condition_Comment": $feature.Sand_Fence_Condition_Comment,
"Sand_Accumulation": $feature.Sand_Accumulation,
"Sand_Accumulation_Comment": $feature.Sand_Accumulation_Comment,
"Exccessive_Accumulation": $feature.Exccessive_Accumulation,
"Exccessive_Accumulation_Comme": $feature.Exccessive_Accumulation_Comme,
"Required_Maintance": $feature.Required_Maintance,
"General_Condition": $feature.General_Condition,
"Remarks": $feature.Remarks






 Thank You in advance. If you have any  questions feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your time on this. Please let me know if you have any questions
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