Troubleshoot: ArcMap Crash

05-07-2018 09:40 PM
Occasional Contributor
1 6 26.6K

Halo ArcNesian!

Pernah mengalami error ini pada saat membuka ArcMap?

"ArcMap.exe has encountered an error and needs to close. We apologize for the inconvenience."

Apabila muncul error diatas, dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam penyebab. Kali ini ArcMin akan memberikan tips apabila ArcMap kamu crash. Ada beberapa tahapan yang dapat dilakukan apabila hal ini terjadi, tapi jangan khawatir ArcMin akan menjelaskan sedetil mungkin:)

1. Memory penuh

  • Restart ulang mesin/PC.

2. Matikan Geoprocessing Background

  • Klik Start > ArcMap.
  • Pada menu Geoprocessing > pilih Geoprocessing Options > lalu uncheck Background Processing.

3. Membuka ArcMap dari file direktori

  • Akses file direktori C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.x\bin pilih ArcMap.exe.

4.  Menghapus Trusted Storage

  • Akses file direktori C:\ProgramData\FlexNet.
  • Hapus file '' dan folder FlexNet.
  • Hapus 'fnp_registrations.xml' pada file direktori C:\Program Files\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher.
  • Melakukan proses authorize ulang.

**Apabila muncul error message "Error: Authorization denied because request would have exceeded max copies for the <authorization number>", silahkan untuk menghubungi Esri Indonesia Support untuk request reset license.**

5. Mengubah nama normal template

  • Akses file direktori C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Esri\Desktop10.x

**Umumnya folder App Data adalah hidden folder maka perlu di-unhide terlebih dahulu**

  • Pilih folder untuk seluruh komponen ArcGIS, ArcCatalog atau ArcMap
  • Setiap komponen software tersimpan pengaturan template yang merupakan bagian dari ArcGIS, yaitu:ArcCatalog: normal.gxt

       ArcMap: normal.mxt, tersimpan pada folder Templates

       ArcToolbox: arctoolbox.dat

  • Beri nama ulang pada ketiga file tersebut, contohnya oldnormal.gxt. Pada saat membuka ulang ArcGIS, template baru akan otomatis terbentuk. Ini akan menyelesaikan beberapa permasalahan di software ArcGIS. 

6. Menghapus direktori TEMP:

  • Akses file direktori C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp. Folder ini umumnya berisi ratusan bahkan ribuan file atau folder.
  • Setelah menghapus atau reset TEMP dan TMP, silahkan untuk reboot mesin/PC. Folder TEMP akan otomatis terbentuk kembali. 

7. Melakukan repair ArcMap

  • Klik Start > Settings > Control Panel lalu pilih Add or Remove Programs.
  • Pilih ArcGIS Desktop dan klik Uninstall/Change, pilih Repair dan ikuti tahapannya hingga akhir.

8. Upgrade Python 2.7.12

  • ArcMap secara tiba-tiba keluar pada saat proses "Loading Document...". Tidak ada muncul error code.
  • Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya upgrade versi Python 2.7.11 yang dirilis pada Desember 2015. Pada versi terbaru ini terdapat statement 'PyWin_DLLVersionString' now is "2.7-32", dimana statement tersebut akan mencari registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\2.7-32\PythonPath, yang tidak ada.
  • Hal ini dapat diperbaiki dengan cara melakukan upgrade Python 2.7.12. Namun apabila hal tersebut tidak dapat dipenuhi, maka tahapan-tahapan dibawah ini dapat diikuti.
  • Solusi A:
    • Klik Start > Regedit, lalu pilih HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\2.7
    • Klik kanan pada folder 2.7 dan pilih Rename, ubah nama folder tersebut menjadi '2.7-32'.
    • Tutup Registry Editor dan buka ArcMap.
  • Solusi B:
    • Klik Start > Windows Control Panel. Pilih uninstall Python 2.7.11 dari sistem.
    • Pilih ArcGIS for Desktop dan klik Uninstall/Change.
    • Pilih Modify.
    • Pilih menu drop-down di sebelah Python lalu pilih, X This feature will not be available.
    • Jalankan installer untuk menghapus Python dari instalasi ArcGIS Desktop
    • Apabila tahapan diatas sudah selesai, sekali lagi pilih ArcGIS for Desktop dan pilih Uninstall/Change. 
    • Pilih Modify.
    • Pililh menu drop-down di sebelah Python lalu pilih, This feature will be installed on the local hard drive.
    • Jalankan installer untuk menghapus Python dari instalasi ArcGIS Desktop
  • Solusi C:
    • Klik Start > Windows Control Panel.
    • Uninstall Python 2.7.11.
    • Uninstall ArcGIS for Desktop.
    • Reinstall ArcGIS for Desktop.

Sekian untuk post kali ini mengenai troubleshooting apabila ArcMap crash.

Semoga bermanfaat! Sampai jumpa di post selanjutnya!


Contact Esri Indonesia Technical Support ( for further assistance.

New Contributor

dear admin, mau tanya kenapa acgis 10.6.1 ini lemot sekali ya, saya kmren pakai 10.5 itu masih nyaman saja, ini pakai yg 10.6.1 kenapa ya tiap klik mau ganti symbologi, mau ganti text, buka properties, itu kursornya selalu muter sekita 1/2 menitan, selain itu TOC nya sering blingking kenapa ya?jdi terhambat pekerjaannya kalau selalu loading lama.apakah solusinya instal ulang arcgisnya atau ada solusi lain ya?terima kasih

MVP Regular Contributor

Hello ArcNesian!


Ever experienced this error when opening ArcMap?


"ArcMap.exe has encountered an error and needs to close. We apologize for the inconvenience."


If the above error appears, it can be caused by various causes. This time ArcMin will give tips if your ArcMap crashes. There are several steps that can be taken if this happens, but don't worry ArcMin will explain as detailed as possible 🙂


1. Full memory

Restart the machine / PC.
2. Turn off Geoprocessing Background

Click Start> ArcMap.
In the Geoprocessing menu> select Geoprocessing Options> then uncheck Background Processing.
3. Open ArcMap from the directory file

Access the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ ArcGIS \ Desktop10.x \ bin directory, select ArcMap.exe.

MVP Regular Contributor

4. Removing Trusted Storage

Access the C: \ ProgramData \ FlexNet directory file.
Delete the '' file and the FlexNet folder.
Delete 'fnp_registrations.xml' in the directory file C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Macrovision Shared \ FLEXnet Publisher.
Re-authorize the process.
** If the error message "Error: Authorization denied because request would have exceeded max copies for the <authorization number>", please contact Esri Indonesia Support to request a reset license. **

5. Change the normal name of the template

Access the C: \ Users \ <user> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Esri \ Desktop10.x directory file
** Generally the App Data folder is a hidden folder so you need to unhide it first **

Select a folder for all ArcGIS, ArcCatalog or ArcMap components
Each component of the software is stored as a template setting which is part of ArcGIS, namely: ArcCatalog: normal.gxt
       ArcMap: normal.mxt, stored in the Templates folder

       ArcToolbox: arctoolbox.dat

Rename all three files, for example oldnormal.gxt. When you reopen ArcGIS, a new template will automatically be formed. This will solve a number of problems in ArcGIS software.
6. Delete the TEMP directory:

Access the C: \ Users \ <user> \ AppData \ Local \ Temp directory file. This folder generally contains hundreds or even thousands of files or folders.
After removing or resetting TEMP and TMP, please reboot the machine / PC. The TEMP folder will automatically re-form.

MVP Regular Contributor

7. Repair ArcMap

Click Start> Settings> Control Panel then select Add or Remove Programs.
Select ArcGIS Desktop and click Uninstall / Change, select Repair and follow the steps to the end.
8. Upgrade Python 2.7.12

ArcMap suddenly exits during the "Loading Document ..." process. No error code appears.
This is due to an upgrade version of Python 2.7.11 which was released in December 2015. In this latest version there is the statement 'PyWin_DLLVersionString' now is "2.7-32", where the statement will look for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Python \ PythonCore \ 2.7-32 \ PythonPath, which doesn't exist.
This can be fixed by upgrading Python 2.7.12. However, if this cannot be fulfilled, the steps below can be followed.
Solution A:
Click Start> Regedit, then select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Python \ PythonCore \ 2.7
Right-click on the 2.7 folder and select Rename, rename the folder to '2.7-32'.
Close the Registry Editor and open ArcMap.
Solution B:
Click Start> Windows Control Panel. Choose uninstall Python 2.7.11 from the system.
Select ArcGIS for Desktop and click Uninstall / Change.
Select Modify.
Select the drop-down menu next to Python then select, X This feature will not be available.
Run the installer to remove Python from the ArcGIS Desktop installation
When the above steps are finished, once again choose ArcGIS for Desktop and select Uninstall / Change.
Select Modify.
Select the drop-down menu next to Python and then select, This feature will be installed on the local hard drive.
Run the installer to remove Python from the ArcGIS Desktop installation
Solution C:
Click Start> Windows Control Panel.
Uninstall Python 2.7.11.
Uninstall ArcGIS for Desktop.
Reinstall ArcGIS for Desktop.

That's all for this post about troubleshooting if ArcMap crashes.


May be useful! See you in the next post!


Contact Esri Indonesia Technical Support ( for further assistance.

New Contributor

hallo min, saya tidak bisa menampilkan data dem di layar arcgispro, mohon solusi min..proyeksinya sudah benar,namun setelah add file DEM, tidak bisa tampil

About the Author
GIS Support Analyst.