Hello GIS Community,
I have put together a script that will help me automate some repetitive work that I do on a weekly/sometimes daily basis. This script does the following:
1. Iterates through and converts KMZ to GDB and LYR files
(Input parameter = KMZ_IN - Input)
(Output parameter = KMZ_OUT - Output)
2. Iterates through KMZ_OUT folder and projects each feature class within each workspace using the Workspace name and the feature class name as concatenate
(parameter as GDB_OUT - Input) or (parameter as GDB_OUT - Output) When done as Output the tool fails and generates an error saying that the feature class output could not be done. When done as Input the tool succeeds; however, the feature class table is far from correct. The table appears to be the same features as the very first feature from KMZ_OUT workspace processed. It is supposed to iterate through each one and convert and assign the appropriate naming convention. The naming works but the data is incorrect.
I have attached my script below
Any assistance on figuring this out would be appreciated.