I use ArcMap online through Citrix. Last Thursday I was working on a project when the map froze in the afternoon. I force shut down, logged off citrix, and restarted the computer. When I tried to open ArcMap again, it opened the same map, still frozen, with no other options. I have tried on multiple different browsers, I have run any and all computer updates, and I have cleared my download history. The computer has been shut off and restarted a number of times since the initial freeze. It has now been three days that ArcMap has been stuck on this frozen map and I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?
No luck... thanks for the suggestion
maybe kill the process and rename the mxd file
I realize this is really late, but if you are in the frozen map and do Control + F1 it will bring up the citrix task manager and you can kill the map. Took 8 years for someone to tell this to me and it was saved the day many times! Good Luck!
For anyone who finds this thread.. the Control +F1 option works!! Even if you have closed out. Just try to reopen and when ArcMap tries to open the frozen map click Control +F1 and end all the tasks. Reopen ArcMap and it'll start fresh. Thank you!