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New Inspection Project

06-11-2021 08:49 AM
Regular Contributor

I am a new user. Quickly learning Survey123, Workforce and Arc Online but getting a grasp on how everything should relate for my project has been challenging. If someone could point me in the right direction for some of these basic design answers it would be very much appreciated!

Project Outline - Known locations (nursery and christmas tree fields) need to be inspected annually by multiple field staff. The primary survey will include a repeating question set to collect information on pests and diseases present. 

I am stuck on the question of how the data will be structured in relation to the primary feature layer of field locations that also contains license and contact information for field owners. I want the ability to have many inspections in a related table associated with each of these locations as surveys are completed. I will also need access to all the responses to the pest and disease repeating question for all locations available in one place for review throughout the inspection season. How to I structure these related tables (if that is the best solution here)?

I want inspectors to have the ability to click on a location in their territory in Workforce (do not want to use the inbox feature in S123) and complete a survey with some data fields passed through from workforce/the primary feature layer of field locations so that the inspector does not have to enter any information that is already known in the primary feature layer. I have figured out how to automatically assign locations but the data pass through piece seems to be eluding me. 

Could you point me toward some good tutorials on how to get this to set this up? I'm amazed by how good this support community is but I can't seem to find a big picture tutorial that lines up with the structure of this project. 

Thank you!!!

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9 Replies
Regular Contributor

And please let me know if there is a better community to post this question in!


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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Ian,

What fields do you need to pass from Workforce to Survey123?


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Regular Contributor

From what I understand, a predetermined GUID field for the property (whatever needs to be automatically passed through so that the field user does not have to enter any data that is already known, and the survey is automatically associated with that location upon submission). There are other text fields that I thought would pass through automatically once the survey was created from the feature layer but do not. I can always populate those with pulldata if needed. GUID is the big one, I think. 

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Frequent Contributor

Hi @IanGallo , thank you for all your input in my post: I could manage to create perfect URL on my map's pop-ups.


Still I am trying to work on opening the Survey I need from "Survey at assignment" and open an inbox element, which I believe is exactly what you are looking for here.

I found something that Ideally would work, and I am asking @CraigGillgrass  to have a look at it too: 🙄 

In the assignment integration table I used this URL:<itemID>&action=edit&filter=globalId:{GlobalID}


if I leave the URL as is, of course Survey123 will open and say that it cannot find anything.


BUT, if I copy an existing GlobalID from my asset feature Service, it opens exactly at that feature, this will allow me to have all the static info (name of the location, number of account.....) and it let me input my inspection on the repeat.

Of course I need this field to be dynamic, and  that Asset GlobalID when you click on the feature and click on "Create assignment" has to be copied in the assignment table as e.g. AssetGUID.

Then this URL would hopefully work:<itemID>&action=edit&filter=globalId:{assignment.AssetGUID}


Craig, am I saying something that is possible to achieve?





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Esri Regular Contributor

@PanGIS the only way to achieve this through the Workforce UI is to set the pop-up title of the asset layer to be the GlobalID.  Then, when you create an assignment from the asset layer - the GlobalID is used for the location of the assignment.  You can then pass in the assignment.location as part of the url scheme<itemID>&action=edit&filter=globalId:{assignment.location}

The downside of this is that your assignment location will display a GUID.  But, at this time, it's the only way to achieve this workflow without any coding.  Supporting this workflow - passing more attributes on assignment creation is something we're considering supporting when Workforce moves into Field Maps. That project is starting up in September.

There are ways to achieve this through Python - you would create the assignments using a python script and then set the GlobalID of the asset to a field - such as AssetGUID.

Regular Contributor

@CraigGillgrass While we have you on the topic of URL Parameters - I was using URL parameters quite successfully to pass a ton of information through to Survey123 from a hyperlink in the popup in Workforce. This was working until yesterday when, without adding new fields to the URL, I started to receive a bad URL message "Bad Message 431 - Bad Message 431 reason: Request Header Fields Too Large" How do I work around this and what could have caused this error ? 

  1. Requesting URL has too many characters overall?
  2. Returned URL has too many characters overall?
  3. A certain field name has too many characters?
  4. A certain field is pulling in too many characters of information?
  5. The URL is requesting a total amount of data larger than what Esri’s servers allow (same as 2?)?

URL -{lic...

Can't find reference to any of this in any community post or doc.... Thanks!

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Ian, I'm guessing you see this error in Survey123 ?  Or, is it Workforce that is raising the error message before launching Survey123?


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Regular Contributor

@CraigGillgrass The error message shows up after the url is clicked in workforce on the desktop. In mobile, there is no error, 123 opens up the correct survey but just shows the field names that should be populating instead of the actual information to be populated. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

hi Ian, this sounds like something the Survey123 team would need to look into; maybe @JamesTedrick or @ZacharySutherby can help.


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