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Converting AssignmentType and WorkerID GUIDs to text label

06-20-2022 06:44 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Hi there,

I'm sure others have come across this. Not sure if most Workforce Admins are populating their assignments by FME or the Python API, which would easily solve this. 

I want our data created in the Workforce web app interface to eventually populate a dashboard. I'm unable to add filters for the AssignmentType and WorkerID field. I think because they are GUIDs. I've also added them into a table, but they show as GUIDs, not text, which is not useful for the end user, which isn't me. Is there any easy way to change this?

Some ideas I've thought of are:

  • use FME or the Python API
  • create two new fields and convert the AssignmentType and WorkerIDs to text here
  • create a list in these two fields with the GUID as the code and text as the label (will this mess up the project by adding in new stuff to the existing fields leading to offline area sync issues?). Upon checking there isn't a list option for these.
  • in dashboard, go into the table's advanced formatting and write if or when statements to replace the GUIDs with labels

Just wondering how everyone else is getting around this, if there's best practice for this or if there's an obvious way I'm missing. I'm still working on my first Workforce project.

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3 Replies
New Contributor II

Hi, I too have had this problem and still cannot determine whether there is an easy way around it. Like you, our end users really need to see the full AssignmentType name, rather than the GUID.

I have worked out how to use Survey123 Connect to reference a separate table which contains both the GUID and Name for each assignment type - but I have over 50 assignment types, which may be replaced or updated, so this isn't really a long-term solution. This also doesn't solve the Dashboard display problem.

I would love to see if you get any better solutions here!

(My previous post on this subject is here: )

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

For visualization in a dashboard in ArcGIS Online, you can use this script to create a joined view layer that combines the assignments, types, workers, and dispatchers into a single non-editable layer. This layer can be used in a dashboard for filtering and visualization.

Occasional Contributor
You can access these fields using Experience Builder to get a similar effect.
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