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Workforce for ArcGIS - Calendar View Update

09-10-2018 06:01 AM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

My organization is evaluating software options to assign staff to field work projects, to track status of the projects in real time, and to track the location of field crews.  The Workforce application checked all of their boxes with the exception that it was not robust enough to schedule and adjust staff assignments.  For example, they specifically requested a calendar view where they could see a staff members assignments for the coming 2-4 weeks and to be able to "drag and drop" assignments from one staff member to another based on their availability. 

Workforce is great for managing assignments in its current status, but is not strong enough for managing the staff associated with those assignments for our current need. 


Looking to implement Enterprise wide at Maser Consulting.  Calendar option is key for management of staff in the field.


This post is relevant to me, especially as a newcomer to the ESRI world. Your insights are focused and honed to a growth mindset which is important to collaborations for development.  I am a World Bank Group trained 'Community Manager', and am currently focused on helping refugee children (up to 4 million not able to attend school in various refugee camps around the world, as well as those fortunate enough to have been able to return to their homes (which still lack infrastructure [i.e. lack of electricity, lack of wifi access, and many, many more issues] and resources to get the children in schools).  

Specifically referencing, stateless refugees from Myanmar, take a few moment to review this link which will help focus attention on the type of GIS and mapping needs required to plan infrastructure for return (Educational opportunities).  30,000 of these children in the Bangladesh refugee camps responded to a survey asking whether they had 1 or more family members killed since August 2017....  Imagine, many want to go home - many came from villages that no longer exist....

Back to this post - trying to put together a 25 member Rapid Responder team to focus on efforts to assist planning for return by mapping modern villages (which would include schools (on-site housing for teachers), health care and community centers, and everything we might image (after surveying potential returnees) what they would need in their villages.... 


It's sad to see that this has not been implemented after two years still. We run into the same problem - we would like to use Workforce but for our partner the absence of calendar view was a deal breaker. Having all the assignments in one row is confusing and sorting the assignments according to deadline is not very comfortable either. If esri could come up with a calendar view so people could set an assignment on certain day and see the upcoming tasks, it would be a massive improvement.