I have created WFM Job template with multiple tables (1-1 & 1-M) with extended properties. The issue now is I am unable to view the 1-M tables in Workflow Manager from Desktop. @JFarmer Any suggestions?
Environment : ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5
Hello @PaulDhandapani. Viewing of the 1-M tables in ArcGIS Pro is not currently supported but we have been working on getting more parity between the Workflow Manager web application and ArcGIS Pro with respect to job properties. We do have the link available to open the job in the web application from the job properties pane in Pro as a way to get to that information but this item is on our near term roadmap.
Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for your response. May I request to share any tentative time line for the product road map with this upgraded functionality?
Hi Paul,
Right now, that functionality is set to be added in the later part of 2023 but that is subject to change.