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Server Object instance creation failed on machine pcxxxxx

03-28-2011 10:56 AM
Deactivated User
Default Server Object instance creation failed on machine xxxxx

I am trying to get Workflow Manager Server running on a PC (running Windows XP Professional 2002 - just a test bed to try to get things running).

ArcGIS Server is working fine and I can author Map Services.

I installed the Workflow Manager Server component and have confirmed that the ServerTypes.dat has been updated to include the WMServer.

I have copied my xxx.jtc file to a directory that I now the SOM/SOC can access and I have created a new .cfg file in the C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\server\user\cfg directory. When I restart the SOM and try to start the service I get the following messages in the log (.dat) file:

<Msg time='2011-03-28T14:01:58' type='ERROR' code='1016' target='WMX.WMServer'  machine='pcxxxxx' thread='2100' elapsed='3.32800'>Server Object instance creation failed on machine pcxxxxx. </Msg>
<Msg time='2011-03-28T14:01:58' type='ERROR' code='1016' target='WMX.WMServer' machine='pcxxxxx' thread='1900' elapsed='3.86000'>Server Object instance creation failed on machine pcxxxxx. </Msg>
<Msg time='2011-03-28T14:01:58' type='ERROR' code='1008' target='WMX.WMServer' thread='1900'>Configuration WMX.WMServer can not be started.</Msg>

I know that the .jtc connection is valid as I have been using it in both Workflow manager and the administrator without any problems.

I have a feeling I am missing something obvious. Any suggestions?

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8 Replies
Esri Contributor
Hi Alison,

It sounds like you've already tried most of the basic sanity tests (...unfortunately for me!).  Hmm...

One thing I can think of regarding the .jtc file: if you're using OS authentication to connect to your database, you'd need to make sure that the SOC user account has access to the WMX DB & tables.

I've never tried creating a .cfg file by hand like it sounds like you did.  Do you have any more luck if you use Catalog to create the WMX service instead?  Or can you at least view your existing WMX service and its properties in Catalog?  (You'd need to add the SOM machine under "Workflow Manager Servers" in the Catalog tree, and I think you'd also need to enable the Workflow Manager extension in Catalog.)

Finally, are you using ArcGIS Server .NET or ArcGIS Server for Java?

Brian D.
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Deactivated User
Hi Brian,

Thanks so much for the response.

I am using database authentication (oracle 10g) for my .jtc connection. The database connection is currently using the WMX repository owner for the username and password.

As for the .cfg, I have created both one using ArcCatalog and one by copying the .cfg. Unfortunately they both result in the exact same errors. If I connect to ArcCatalog I can see the Workflow manager server and the two associated server objects (custom created and ArcCatalog created). If I look at the properties of the Workflow Manager Server, I see that both of the objects are stopped. If I then open one of the associated object properties and attemtp to start it, I get the message - "Error attempting to start the object". If I then look in the log files, I find the same three error messages that I posted in the first message of this posting.

I am using ArcGIS Server .Net.

Any other ideas or suggestions are much appreciated.

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Esri Contributor
Hey Alison,

This might be a silly question, but are you able to make a database connection to your SDE repository that contains the WMX schema with the same username/password as in your JTC file?  It is definitely possible to manually create the service from the .cfg file or create it through ArcCatalog, so the issue sounds like it is more on the database permissions side of things. 

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Esri Contributor
Along the lines of what Jeremy wrote: in your .jtc file, are you connecting to the database using application connect or direct connect?  If you can, do you see any different behavior when you switch your .jtc file from one to the other (say, DC to app. connect)?

You could also try turning up the logging detail level for your AGS instance, then re-checking the AGS logs.  Maybe something helpful will turn up in the new log.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for the suggestion of changing the logging level within ArcGIS Server. I think I have found the problem (and it is a bit embarrassing).

Msg time='2011-03-29T14:49:50' type='INFO3' code='1000' target='test3.WMServer' machine='PC121913' process='3376' thread='2360' elapsed='0.00000'>Workflow Manager Server extension license is not available..</Msg>

So it appears that after I had to reinstall things we didn't update to include the Workflow Manager server license. I will try to get that done, and post if that fixes my problem.

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Deactivated User
The services are now running.

Thanks for the help
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Deactivated User
I have the same issue but nothing shown in ArcGIS Logs , using direct connect to SQL Server 2008 R2
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Deactivated User

The most common reason for this error is because ArcGIS Workflow Manager server has not been authorized on the machine. This is also true with the previous post below.
In the past other users that had installed ArcGIS Server and ran through the software authorization wizard do not realize that after purchasing/installing Workflow Manager server, you are required to get an updated license file that contains the Workflow Manager server feature.
At our future version we will prompt you with an option to start the authorization wizard after installing Workflow Manager server.

Turn up your ArcGIS Server logs to be at a verbose level and repeat starting the service. The ArcGIS Server logs will contain more detailed information on what the problem is. 

I hope this helps!

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