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ArcGIS Workflow Manager and Archiving

05-07-2015 11:58 AM
Occasional Contributor

We had about 200 jobs accidentally deleted from the Workflow Manager. I wasn't able to restore the deleted jobs, so I ended up changing the permissions to make it where only one person can delete jobs.

I thought it was automatically setup to archive those tables, but that doesn't appear to be the case. What will happen if I enable archiving on the JTX tables?

Thank you,


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

I have had a similar encounter where jobs have been deleted by accident. If for some reason the permissions were not set correctly, re-set, or a human error occurred then pre-cautions are put into place. I use postgres and do a weekly back up, that way if records are deleted they can be restored.

Amanda De Medeiros
Esri Canada