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Holds as step or ability to release automatically

02-02-2024 03:43 PM
Occasional Contributor III

Holds in WMX should provide functionality to be release depending on time or an action.  It will be useful to have a hold on a job and set a timer so when it expires either release the hold and also allows to configure it so the step executes automatically and/or manually or run an action (ex. release the hold after 30 days and continue to next step).  Next steps should execute based on "success or failure" so it could allow to configure a workflow with multiple paths (ex  close job with "canceled" status or continue running the editing step).

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi @Ulises 

Thanks for the idea! Would you be able to clarify what you're looking for here a bit?

Currently, there are two main types of holds on steps.

- A manual hold, where you can apply a hold or dependency manually on a step using the job details panel on the Work page. This is exactly as it sounds where you'd manually set and release the hold.JFarmer_0-1707140084437.png

- A scheduled step, where you can schedule a step to be on hold until a desired date / time. This is configured for each step on the diagram where this is desired. (



With a scheduled step, provided you have the Advanced license, once the hold expires the step will run automatically if it is set to do so. If you have the Standard license, the hold will be released but the step will not run automatically, even if set to do so. 

In regards to the failure scenario, if a step does fail and the path leading to the next step is set to proceed on success only, the job would then stop at that point.

So I think Workflow Manager can do what you need it to do now but please let me know if I'm missing something in your ask.




Hi @JFarmer,

thanks for your reply.  I'm looking for a combination of both functionalities.  I will like to set a manual hold (ex. documentation missing) and based on the hold type (noticed there is a generic type of hold and not able to create several types as in classic) have it configured to release the hold after 30 days.  Pending on the hold release then execute cleanup, set "close reason" using extended properties and close the job automatically.  User should only be able to set the hold in any corresponding step.  If the hold is release before expiration time continue the main workflow (ex. editing).  Holds/Releases should send email notifications.



Thanks @Ulises I'm going to repeat this back to you just to make sure I get the whole picture.

You have a workflow in your organization where, at some point in the workflow, there is a review. If, during that review, it is found that some required documentation is missing, you'd like the user to place the job on hold with a comment that documentation is missing (documentation is just one example, could be something else missing entirely).

This specific hold type is set to expire after 30 days. Once expired, the workflow can proceed down a path to run the Cleanup step, update an extended properties table with a close reason, and then the job finishes.

If you do get the required documentation in, a user then manually releases the hold and they continue on another branch of the workflow to do more work. 

Does all that sound correct?



Correct @JFarmer!

That review could happen at several steps once assigned the job.

Status changed to: Under Consideration

Thanks @Ulises 

I think we have what we need here for this request, we'll consider how and when we can implement this functionality. Let me know if you have anything further to add here.
