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WAB with AirWatch browser?

10-26-2016 02:47 AM
Frequent Contributor


I'm asked to use WAB developed app with AirWatch browser.

Enterprise Mobile Browser | AirWatch Browser | AirWatch 

Does someone have some experience with using WAB on AirWatch?

Is there any problem?



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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus


  If you are talking about a deployed WAB app then I don't see why it would not work. I don't have any experience with AirWatch but a deployed WAB app only need to meet the minimum browser requirement to work.

Requirements and browser support—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Develope... 

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Michael, did you ever get WAB implemented successfully within the AirWatch Browser? We've got AirWatch in place as a mobile solution and I'm trying to get some buy-in for allowing it for use in conjunction with our secure Portal for ArcGIS internal web apps.

No idea if the AirWatch Browser meets the minimum browser requirements, but I would sure hope so.



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Occasional Contributor

Hey Michael,

Same question as Mike here, how did the use of WAB apps work out for you in the AirWatch browser. My company is using AirWatch on our mobile devices and we have experienced a number of issues with caching, layer rendering and pop-up display. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar issues with WAB apps in the AirWatch Browser?

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