So in a way this is part 2 to a recent post about manipulating what ends up in the PDF generated with the Print Widget. I have two (2) questions:
1// How do I hide the Advanced Options in the widget? I've plowed through the code and noticed numerous commented references to things like:
// this.config.showAdvancedOption = this.showAdvancedOptionChk.getValue();
But I haven't had a chance to figure out what combination of uncommenting what might hide the options. I'm trying to build something where I don't need the user to get lost in options. They should only have to select a papersize and the app takes care of the rest.
2// Similarly, I would like to limit printing to 2 paper sizes for which I've prepared optimal layouts. I don't need and don't want to see the "MAP_ONLY". How do I hide/remove it?
These may be rudimentary tasks for custom widgeteers. I feel like I'm still only scratching the surface on the widget universe.
See this tread for those answers
So the following seems to have some effect:
// was
var PrintDijit = declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
//showAdvancedOption: true,
// changed it to
var PrintDijit = declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
showAdvancedOption: false,
Thanks, Robert, didn't see this before hit 'Send'... I'll take a look at the link.
Great! My above fix took care of part 1. I adapted your solution in the referenced post as follows:
var layoutItems =[0].choiceList, function(item) {
if(item !== "MAP_ONLY")
return {
label: item,
value: item
That helped with second portion.
Robert Scheitlin, GISP, Any suggestions as to how I might force a certain scale for printing when a specific layout is selected?
I was able to tweak the show/no-show of layout elements based on which layout is selected in there event handler...
onLayoutChange: function(newValue) {
But I don't know what governs the scale of what in my case is PDF output.
Okay, this here forces the scale to a particular numeric value...
printDefInspector: function(printDef) {
// don't really need the following since I removed the
// Advanced Options
// if (this.preserve.preserveScale === 'force') {
// printDef.mapOptions.scale = this.preserve.forcedScale;
// }
printDef.mapOptions.scale = 12000;
return printDef;
Now, I just need to set it based on the selected layout. Slowly inching closer...
Lines 42-44.
print: function() {
if (this.printSettingsFormDijit.isValid()) {
var form = this.printSettingsFormDijit.get('value');
lang.mixin(form, this.layoutMetadataDijit.get('value'));
lang.mixin(form, this.forceAttributesFormDijit.get('value'));
lang.mixin(form, this.labelsFormDijit.get('value'));
this.preserve = this.preserveFormDijit.get('value');
lang.mixin(form, this.preserve);
this.layoutForm = this.layoutFormDijit.get('value');
var mapQualityForm = this.mapQualityFormDijit.get('value');
var mapOnlyForm = this.mapOnlyFormDijit.get('value');
lang.mixin(mapOnlyForm, mapQualityForm);
var elementsObj = this.customTextElementsDijit.get('value');
var cteArray = [], hasDate = false, locale = dojoConfig.locale || 'en';
for (var p in elementsObj) {
var cte = {};
if (p === 'Date') {
hasDate = true;
cte[p] = elementsObj[p];
if(!hasDate) {
cteArray.push({ Date: new Date().toLocaleString(locale) });
var templateInfo = this._currentTemplateInfo;
var hasAuthorText = lang.getObject('layoutOptions.hasAuthorText', false, templateInfo);
var hasCopyrightText = lang.getObject('layoutOptions.hasCopyrightText',
false, templateInfo);
var hasTitleText = lang.getObject('layoutOptions.hasTitleText', false, templateInfo);
var template = new PrintTemplate();
template.format = form.format;
template.layout = form.layout;
template.preserveScale = (form.preserveScale === 'true' || form.preserveScale === 'force');
if (form.preserveScale === 'force') {
template.outScale = this.preserve.forcedScale > 0 ? this.preserve.forcedScale :;
if(form.layout === 'A3 Portrait'){
template.outScale = 12000;
Hey I'll take a look and compare... sorry keep getting my wires crossed with you here... didn't see your response until I'd posted mine. Thanks for always coming through!!
This worked....
printDefInspector: function(printDef) {
printDef.mapOptions.scale = this.scaleForPrinting;
return printDef;
onLayoutChange: function(newValue) {
if (newValue == 'Layout 1')
{this.scaleForPrinting = 10000;}
else if (newValue == 'Layout 2')
{this.scaleForPrinting = 2000;}