I've posted a WebApp to show my colleagues the data that they collected using ArcGIS Survey123. Sometimes they have to download that data to have a backup for themselves.
Currently they download it from the Attribute table >Options> Export all to CSV.
The problem is that the .csv file that is being downloaded does not contain all the layer information, it has only 1,000 data, of the 7,000 that the layer currently has.
I already tried from List of layers > Show element details. But users would have to log in to an account to enable the download button.
How can I allow users to export all the information hosted in a layer?
I found a related thread about this limitation. Are you using the ArcGIS Online deployment or ArcGIS Enterprise deployment of the ArcGIS Experience Builder?
I'm using ArcGIS Enterprise.
Currently with my user it is not possible to access the ArcGIS Manager, suggested on the post.