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Toggle heat map on/off

02-16-2021 01:17 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

I have a web map with three different point hosted feature layers. I want the end-user of the web app to be able to toggle between point symbology and heat map symbology. I don't think this is possible with the out-of-the-box Web AppBuilder, but it should be with Developer edition.


I found another question that asks (presumably) the same thing: 

I'm still quite new to WAB Dev Edition - can anyone clarify where the setRenderer method should be called?

2 Replies
Regular Contributor II

Have you thought of just putting two copies of the feature layer into the map and symbolizing them differently?

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New Contributor III

This is how I have it right now. However, it's rather confusing as I have filter and chart widgets set up, and I would need double the filters and charts to ensure that the right data is displayed regardless of which layer style (heat map or point) you are looking at.

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