I have a web map with three different point hosted feature layers. I want the end-user of the web app to be able to toggle between point symbology and heat map symbology. I don't think this is possible with the out-of-the-box Web AppBuilder, but it should be with Developer edition.
I found another question that asks (presumably) the same thing: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-web-appbuilder-questions/wab-change-symbology/td-p/359430)
I'm still quite new to WAB Dev Edition - can anyone clarify where the setRenderer method should be called?
Have you thought of just putting two copies of the feature layer into the map and symbolizing them differently?
This is how I have it right now. However, it's rather confusing as I have filter and chart widgets set up, and I would need double the filters and charts to ensure that the right data is displayed regardless of which layer style (heat map or point) you are looking at.