If I create an application in web app builder where the user enters their address, is it possible that the information from the polygons that the point is located in automatically pops up instead of having to click a second time on the point?
I've done this using the JS api without WAB so it is definitely possible to do. I'm not sure about the WAB part though.
Would that be done in a web map? I am very new at all of this. Not sure how to do this.
I can't see why not, but I'm no expert. Essentially you want to run an identifyTask using the geometry that the search returns. https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/3/jsapi/identifytask-amd.html
There are of course a million ways to skin a cat and depending on the specifics of your situation you may need to do some messing about to get things to work correctly. The JS api samples are really helpful when working on this stuff. https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/3/jssamples/
Hi John Watermolen Yes I do this exact thing on my property app www.sagis.org/map You could do a query above or as done below just tell the map to click in the centroid of the parcel and fire a click() event.
Go in to Widget.js in the Search widget folder.
Find this section
//////// stating about here aroun line 970.... and paste code starting where indicated below..
if (dataSourceIndex !== 'all') {
dataSourceIndex = parseInt(dataSourceIndex, 10);
if (this.searchResults && this.searchResults[dataSourceIndex] &&
this.searchResults[dataSourceIndex][dataIndex]) {
result = this.searchResults[dataSourceIndex][dataIndex];
setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, function () {
// added by me
var mpPt;
if (result.feature.geometry.type === "point") {
mpPt = result.feature.geometry;
} else {
mpPt = result.feature.geometry.getExtent().getCenter();
var scrPt = this.map.toScreen(mpPt);
this.map.emit("click", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, mapPoint: mpPt, screenPoint: scrPt });
// end of added by me
}), 100);
////// end of new code
I am assuming that you modified this in Web App Builder- Developer Edition? Just wanting to make sure