Has anyone had success with using in-line variables with the Extract Data Task gp service?
We are using the screening widget from WABD v 2.12 which has an extract data task operating, producing a zip file output. I've modified my extract data task gp service in modelbuilder to include some appends to databases and an incrementing ID field which I have tried (in vain) to push as an in-line variable back to the zipfile as an output file name (%scratchFolder%\AppliedLUC_GIS%NewGISNum%.zip). Whilst it works perfectly in the desktop environment (eg AppliedLUC_GIS45.zip) , it produces HTTP 400 errors once published as a service through to Portal, I think due to the % in the output URL? If I remove my variable from the filename (%scratchFolder%\AppliedLUC.zip) does work through to Portal with no errors.
If anyone has any ideas on how to use an in-line variable in the Extract Data gp service output, let me know! I am tempted to modify the Extract Data task python script, but I am not sure how I'd call the variable... Any ideas on that would be appreciated!
Many thanks,