The screening widget will not instantiate in WebApp Builder 2.12 Developer Addition. I called Support, working on getting a NIM. I tried plain vanilla hosted online ArcGIS Online with a service from a 10.6.1 server and same thing, Screening widget will not work. I do no configuration, just leave it as-is so when it comes in it has all the fields. Left everything default, but will not start up in the new WAB. It was working however in 2.9 WAB DE. I want to use it to have a sweet printout for parcels. For that it's perfect. Anyone else have success getting Sreening Widget working on WAB 2.12?
Example app:
It's assigned BUG-000122423 bug id.
And when I add the widget from 2.9 in it works. In 2.12 in console it says couldn't declare a function, if it wasn't a featurelayer. WAB dev team check Console on 2.12.
From the hosted app...
.... addFeatureLayer:function(a){"esri.layers.FeatureLayer"!== ........
TypeError: Cannot read property 'declaredClass' of undefined
at Object.addFeatureLayer (Widget.js?wab_dv=2.12:156)
at Object.<anonymous> (Widget.js?wab_dv=2.12:156)
at init.js:64
at Object.forEach (init.js:72)
at Object.setFeatureLayers (Widget.js?wab_dv=2.12:156)
at Object._setFeatureLayersForSelectTool (Widget.js?wab_dv=2.12:137)
at Object.postCreate (Widget.js?wab_dv=2.12:127)
at Object.create (init.js:356)
at Object.postscript (init.js:355)
at new <anonymous> (init.js:201) "TypeError: Cannot read property 'declaredClass' of undefined
at Object.addFeatureLayer (
So for now I'll just use the 2.9 widget.
Did you ever get a response to this problem? I am having the same issue, but it seems to only happen when I try creating an app in Portal. When I create a web app in WAB using ArcGIS online it seems to work just fine.
I used the old Widget. No... no response. They deploy first to AGOL so they apparently fixed it now in the latest version.
I'm also getting this error trying to set up the screening widget on Portal. Any follow ups?
Hi Kelly, in the short term, I think the only thing you can do is swap out the widget for the earlier version of it (2.9) that doesn't have the bug. No response yet.
I wonder if this is fixed in Enterprise 10.8 which has a newer version of WAB....may try upgrading our system. I'll let you know.
Any news on this the widget I am using 10.9.1 and the widget does not seem to work correctly.