I'm trying to configure a ProxyEsri Java, i.e. proxy.jsp (ver. 1.1.2)
to call from a WAB app a remote server (NON ARCGIS) but a server that answers me with a simple JSON.
This server is authenticated with basic username and password.
My proxy.config is set as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ProxyConfig allowedReferers="*" logFile="proxy_log.log"
<serverUrl url="http://services.arcgisonline.com" matchAll="true"/>
<serverUrl url="http://remoteserver.com?param=value&format=json" matchAll="true" username="DMS_USER" password="P12345"/>
I call the proxy as follows (on my tomcat):
But it doesn't answer, because it prompts a login page for my proxy url. I tried to insert user and passwd again but it fails.
I tried also to call proxy sending user and password in url as:
Same result.
Any ideas?
The esri proxy is specific to esri map services. It is not a generic proxy app that will work for non-esri service (most of the time).