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Print widget not printing basemaps

05-08-2019 09:24 AM
Regular Contributor

I am trying to print a map from the print widget it prints the layers on the map . But it doesn’t print the basemaps. Is anyone having these issue or anyone have solution for this . Should I configure anything else for the print widget to work for basemaps . 

I am using wab 2.8 embeded with portal for arcgis 10.6.1

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor

I have this problem as well. We are using Portal 10.7.1 and whatever WAB that comes with that and the feature layer (hosted in Portal) prints on the maps but neither the ESRI Vector basemap nor an imageServer service hosted on our 10.61 Image Server will show up in the resulting PDF.

Regular Contributor

I'm having this issue. Did you manage to find a solution for it?

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Emerging Contributor

Hi, I am having the same issue, so please let me know if you have found the solution yet?

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Emerging Contributor

Hi, we're having the same issue by using basemaps with another coordinate system than wgs84. Is there a solution for this problem? @esri

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Emerging Contributor

Also having this issue in WAB, but works fine in Experience Builder. Just made a new vector tile basemap. Portal 10.8.1.

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Frequent Contributor

We are also having the same problem. Does ESRI monitor these forums?

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