I am aiming to get the web app developer running on my PC and have managed to get everything set up, but am stuck on providing the web app ID. I have followed the intructions however I am not getting any opportunity, using AGOL, to get any Register dialog box (https://www.esri.com/about/newsroom/arcwatch/configure-web-appbuilder-for-arcgis-developer-edition/?...). I can get the app ID from the URL, but when entered into the setup, it is not working properly i.e. the URL directs to an error page. I read another article mentioning a Portal workaround, but cannot find the same for the Organizational account.
Please can someone assist.
Not sure - just for clarification the actual name is _registrationContainer (I forgot the underscore).
Hi Chris
Thanks. It opened the Configuration Parameters, but there was nothing in it and the search for _registrationContainer was only within a function and a line
g);e.default.showHide(this._registrationContainer,g);e.default.showHide(this._notRegisteredContainer,!this.item.isRegisteredApp);e.default.showHide(this._registeredContainer,this.item.isRegisteredApp);f.resolve();return f};l.prototype.performActions=function(){var a=new z.default;"true"===this.page._queryStringParams.showAppUsage&&this._showAppUsageClick();a.resolve();return a};l.prototype._formatCodeAttachment=function(a){return a?a.title||a.name:""};l.prototype._initCodeAttachment=function(){this._toggleCodeAttachment();
and not contained within a div class anywhere else.
I am using Chrome, if that helps.
Nigel Berjak
S3 Technologies
Geographic Information Systems & Large Format Printing specialists
T: +27 33 3423681
F: +27 86 6721242
E: nigel@S3.co.za
Website: http://www.S3.co.za
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Worked for me! Thanks Chris Blinn!
That's brilliant! thanks