Super Simple sample of autocomplete using Jquery and KendoUI (free core)
works fine in sample...
but doesn't work in Web AppBuilder. (I've tried setting it up in postCreate and startup also)
<div> <p>Kendo UI Animal: try A or B <input id="animal" /></p> <br /> <p> jquery UI colors: try R or B <input id="autocomplete1" type="text" name="code" /> </p> </div>
define(['dojo/_base/declare', 'jimu/BaseWidget'], function(declare, BaseWidget) { return declare([BaseWidget], { baseClass: 'jimu-widget-demo', postCreate: function() { this.inherited(arguments); console.log('postCreate'); }, startup: function() { this.inherited(arguments); console.log('startup'); }, onOpen: function(){ console.log('onOpen'); if ($("#autocomplete1").autocomplete !== undefined) { $("#autocomplete1").autocomplete({ source: ["red", "blue", "green"] }); } if ($("#animal").autocomplete !== undefined) { $("#animal").kendoAutoComplete({ dataSource: ["Ant", "Antelope", "Badger", "Beaver", "Bird"], change: function () { alert("aA"); } }); } } }); });
The html above is showing html, i wanted to include the actual html.. so here it is..
<p>Kendo UI Animal: try A or B <input id="animal" /></p>
<br />
<p> jquery UI colors: try R or B
<input id="autocomplete1" type="text" name="code" />
Actually after a few more tests it started working.. not sure why..
Can you please explain me how did you integrate kendo ui? I mean where you put its JS and css files and how loaded into your widget?
Has anyone been able to integrate Kendo UI into a Web Appbuilder widget yet? I have tried to both run a script in the HTML template which doesn't seem to fire and I have tried to run the code in the widget JS file but I always get a 'is not a function at Object' error. I have tried to add references in the index.html as scripts references and in the init.js in the resources array.