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How to add custom text box to WAB app

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08-07-2017 03:37 PM
New Contributor II

I have a custom WAB application that zooms to a parcel feature upon startup using URL parameters passed in.   I would like to add a Text Box, Title Box or some type of HTML table to display information about the feature, such as Parcel ID, Owner name, County, Township, Range, Section etc.    This could be displayed on top of the map, covering a portion of the map in a corner, or in a dedicated area above the map.  Can anyone provide some suggestions about how I might go about adding this type of labeling that will come from a JavaSript function?  I have the function to retrieve the data elements, I'm in need of ideas on how to display them on the WAB interface.


Rod Kuhns

GIS Applications Architect, MBS

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22 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Thanks, I cannot get it to work at all. I dont want to take up more of your time so dont worry.

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MVP Emeritus

Sorry you could not get it figured out.

Occasional Contributor III

my experience with adding snippets of code and to where is limited as well as my syntax understanding always gets me. For now I am adding map notes to the online map WAB points to.

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