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How to add Basemap/layers in Application which is built in webAppBuilder?

11-08-2016 02:28 AM
Occasional Contributor


I want to publish an app using the Web App Builder. I had setup the environment where I can see the Themes,Widgets etc.,

The objective of the app for HR, So they can see the no.of employees working in which area/region wise.

The basemap and other layers are in ArcGIS Local Portal server. What are the steps I have to do in webAppBuilder to show the base map and no.of Employees.I had enclosed reference [HRscr.png].


1. Where we have add the Layer? Is it in WebAppBulider LayerList Widget or ArcGIS Local Portal server?

I mean, The Basemap and its layers are arranged in the ArcGIS Local Portal and WebAppBuilder Builder will just have Link.If there is any change, Do it in ArcGIS Local portal server and automatically web App Builder will reflect the change.

2.Roadmap to attain the objective of the map.

Thanks In advance.

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MVP Emeritus


   Sounds like you are very new to the whole AGOL/local Portal scene. To create a WAB app you need to define the web map that it will use, so you first have to build your web map in Portal. Follow this link to learn how to build your web map:

Make your first map—ArcGIS Online Help | ArcGIS 

Next create your app in WAB:

Make your first app—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | ArcGIS 

Esri Esteemed Contributor