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Group Filter URL Parameters

05-31-2023 05:05 AM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I am trying to activate the group filter in my webapp via URL parameters.I have this Group Filter.

Screenshot 2023-05-31 200023.png

Hence my url is like this 

https://<your portal URL>/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=<Item ID>&groupfilter={“Year”:[“2023”]}

However it doesnt seem to work and my webapp is not loading at all

Screenshot 2023-05-31 200248.png


Any idea why is it not working? 

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@MarcoConopio2  Just verified this on my end in the ArcGIS Online edition of Web AppBuilder and it seems to be working as expected, here's an example URL parameter.



At first glance, I'd say make sure the quotes are " and not  ?

If that doesn't resolve the issue, are you using ArcGIS Online or Enterprise Portal, or perhaps the developer edition? Any special security setup on your server?


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New Contributor

@MarcoConopio2 did you ever get to the bottom of the issue you were experiencing? I'm getting the exact same error.  The filter works fine in the web app but when i try and control it through a URL i get the same error you were experiencing.

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