I have a view joined with a feature class (one-to-one). I have set up a query/filter in the Web App builder from the feature class to search the joined view data but the query fails.
What reasons could cause this query to fail? Can I query joined data?
Thank you!
Is this what you mean?
I need to see the text that is submitted for the where portion of the request indicated in my picture.
(i.e. yourURL/query?f=fjson&returnGeometry=true&......&where=_______?
Sending both query texts just in case
Unfortunately those are the responses and not the requests that I need to see. Right click on the line I indicated and choose "copy link address", that will be what I need to see.
Thanks again! I really appreciate the continued help!
So based on that url you are doing a query based on the map extent and returning these fields:
The use of the Shape.STArea() and Shape.STLength() can cause problems do you needs these? If not remove these fields from your Query widget configuration and try your query again.
Odd. Those fields are not from the layer I'm querying. They are fields in a different layer, and the Shape.STArea() and Shape.STLength() fields are disabled from that layer.
OK that means that I choose the wrong line in the network tab. Can you look at the urls in the requests and find the proper one based on the layer you are searching and then send me that url?
I am having a little trouble finding the right request this time. There isn't a query request like there previously was. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
This URL could possibly be the one we are looking for; it mentions the correct layer and field - https://maps.cstx.gov/cstx/rest/services/Rental_Registration/MapServer/0/generateRenderer?classifica...
A screenshot of the requests (the red one is for the URL above):
This is the error I get with that request.
{"error":{"code":500,"message":"Error handling service request : Could not find a service with the name 'MapServer/rental_registration' in the configured clusters. Service may be stopped or ArcGIS Server may not be running.","details":[]}}
And just trying the url to get to the map service results in the same error.