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Custom Controller Tutorial Broken?

04-09-2019 12:24 PM
Emerging Contributor

Is the tutorial (Create a controller widget—Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers ) for creating a custom controller broken for WAB v2.11. I have been trying to get the custom controller to load but cannot seem to get it working. When reloading WAB in Step 4 of the section "Add SidebarController to the default layout" the new controller widget is just not present and there are no errors reported to the console. Any help in creating a new controller widget for WAB v2.11 would be greatly appreciated.

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3 Replies
Emerging Contributor

I have previously cleared out the .repoignore file. I can see the demo theme within WAB. When selected it lists 3 layouts

When a different layout is selected the on screen widgets go out of whack. The controller widget is still not being loaded.

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MVP Emeritus


   Hmm. Strange. You should not have three layouts in the demo theme if you are following the tutorial...

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