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ArcGIS Experience Builder

06-12-2019 10:28 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Have you heard about ArcGIS Experience Builder? It was first previewed at the 2019 Esri Developer Summit (see more details here: If you love Web AppBuilder, you'll love this next generation product that introduces a whole new way of building web apps. To get more information and receive announcements about the beta, sign up for the mailing list: ArcGIS Experience Builder | A new way of building web apps 

ArcGIS Experience Builder

Web AppBuilder Custom Widgets

Web AppBuilder Custom Themes

Web Developers

P.S. There are no plans to replace or discontinue Web AppBuilder. Both builders will be running and maintained in parallel.

6 Replies
Frequent Contributor


Is the developer preview still going to be available? 

The slides show a June timeline (see link below).

If this still accurate?

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS: What's New and What's Coming - YouTube 


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Drew - thanks for your question!

We are working hard to get Experience Builder ready for a beta release as soon as possible. But yes, we will be releasing both an online and developer edition beta. At this point, the timeline has been pushed back a little, most likely with a July timeline. If you want to join the mailing list, we'll be sending an email as soon as it's available. Thanks!

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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Occasional Contributor


This is really an interesting app(site) builder. But I am worried that this will replace the current Web AppBuilder in Online/Enterprise. Is it a complete replacement of the current or will this be added as an additional app builder? I like to know if our current intentions to build widgets will be wasted time and money or will that still be there when Experience Builder are released?


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MVP Emeritus


   What esri is saying right now is that EB is not a replacement for WAB but several years down the road WAB will be like FlexBuilder (i.e. obsolete since it uses the JS 3.x API). 

Esri Regular Contributor

Thank Robert.

Jonas, both builders are running in parallel. Experience Builder (ExB) will not replace Web AppBuilder (WAB) in Online/Enterprise environments.

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