Analysis widget error. Status code 500

03-08-2016 06:25 AM
Frequent Contributor

have anyone had this message? None of the analysis tools work in my Application.

I get this message:

Accessing url returned error Internal server error. (status code 500).. Create Buffers failed.

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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Are your server logs telling you anything?

Also watch the traffic with the F12 - Sometimes there is more info in the return message.

Also, you might try issuing the GP request from the browser and input the prams directly - Sometimes I get more info from those pages.

Frequent Contributor

Jordan, thank you for your answer. Can you please explain more detailed how I can check all these? I am new to App Builder... I am working in WebApp Builder Developer Edition locally from my computer.

I do not see anything in traffic related to Analysis error...

Thank you in advance!!!

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Deactivated User

I have the same issue with the baked in map viewer in Portal right now, been working with Tech support, without much luck so far. 

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Frequent Contributor

By logs I was referring to the ArcGis Server logs. I realize now you might not be using that.

In the ArcGis Server management console, usually found at: https://MyArcGisServer:6443/arcgis/manager/log.html

However I have no idea how to check this on AGOL.

The F12 thought. What I usually do is launch the app. Press f12 to launch the browser debugger. Set it on the Network tab and make sure its recording (stupid IE). Then activate your tool in the widget. You should see some traffic - the request to your gp service and its response. Hopefully there will be something useful in the response.

The other thought - I'm assuming the Analytics service is akin to the printing service and has a HTML page with which to input the parameters manually and have it submit the request. If you have this page it will tell you if the issue is with your service or your call to the service.

Hope that helps

by Anonymous User
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I see this too. WAB 2.5 calling services that are on a 10.2.2 Server. the services are internal and only resolve in our DNS but ArcGIS Online can see them. They're in a webmap, which the WAB is using, so AGOL can see them.  So, I thought I'd check out the Analysis widget finally and put our credits to use.  No dice. Maybe I'll call support or look in to it more sometime. And, I hope that if I one day employ the viewshed/watershed we can use our DEM/DSM. Looking at it briefly, looks like they all point to Esri GP services and data. the 30m NED is hardly useful in the real world for either. Particularly anywhere with buildings. Needs to be able to use our GP and data DEM/DSM/etc. I know they want it to use Org credits. Sure. But, make it work easily (more easily than now, I can't figure it out and I'm moving on for now, maybe will come back later) with Org accounts but still let us parameterize for local data and GP if we need. Also I hope they make a way for it to only store the result locally inside the WAB viewer or download.  I do not want to pollute my Org account folders with results and outputs. Esri call me more to discuss if you would like. This widget looks really, really promising!   I have been customizing the WAB quietly for quite some time. Tweaking LayerList, HTML, CSS, popups, etc. This widget needs these aforementioned changes I suspect to enter mass use and adoption. Make it easier and more customizable it will get more users and thus more credit usage. A Win for all.